Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pissed Off With Streamyx

I am just so pissed off with my internet connection. I saw several opps shaded white from 3P and when I clicked on the opp, it took almost 1 minute to download the opp and another 1 minute to download after I had clicked on the reserve tab. In the end, I lost all the opps. I just lost one which is USD10 for only 50 words. Aarrgh.... how frustrating!!


  1. i know how you feel. i missed 1 for $13 last night :( Just not fast enough.

  2. this whole day google also got prob, a while my blog server, while google...sigh...

  3. It's because the whole asian community is on the net at the same time.. :(
    You should move to the states.. muahahhaha!!

  4. Relax and cool....not good for your baby lor...cannot so 'mah chang' one...
