Thursday, October 8, 2020

Complete Change of Taste Buds

Cass' UTI attack with hospital stay and a week-long administration of antibiotics intravenously and orally last month has caused her taste buds to evolve and now, she has an almost new set of gustatory cells. Food that she once loved are no longer her favorites now. She used to love meat, eggs, rice and noodles but has now lost interest in them.  She now has kooky food preferences. She's still hooked on oats with milk, which ain't a bad thing, as she eats organic steel cut oats with low fat milk.  She now prefers to eat oats, bread or crackers with cream cheese for lunch and dinner 😦. And she's crazy over apples 😁

Someone ain't too happy though, that Cass is not eating the food that she cooks as she doesn't fully understand why Cass' taste goblets have changed so dramatically.  

Cass's quirky dinner on Monday, with dishes on top, making this a Tartine 😁:

Wheat germ bread layered with tuna mayo + sweet corn + celery, Mozzarella cheese, fried soy bean sprouts and sweet and sour chicken fillet.


She doesn't even like steamed fish anymore.

Cass' dinner yesterday: organic instant steel cut oat groats with low fat milk, fresh blueberries and bananas. After scarfing down this wholesome bowl of fiber, she ate a whole organic Juliet apple 😊

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