Saturday, November 7, 2020

Yachae Jook (Korean Vegetables Porridge)

Sherilyn had her 3rd tooth extracted for braces on Monday. The next day, she cooked a very flavorful pot of Korean vegetables porridge (yachae jook). It's got such vibrant colors and flavors and very very delish, not to mention easy on her gums.

The porridge is cooked using a flavor intense stock consisting of dashi + dried mushrooms + bonito flakes. And so many colorful ingredients go into the porridge:

1. Whole head of organic broccoli

2. Half a Japanese pumpkin

3. One carrot

4. Minced Berkcious free-range pork

5. Seaweed

6. Japanese rice

Yachae Jook is different from Chinese style porridge in that all the ingredients are sauteed with sesame seed oil and garlic until aromatic before the dashi stock is added and simmered. Even I can't resist having this incredibly flavorsome porridge for lunch.  She cooked such a big pot that the both of us ate it for 3 days straight! And yet, as of typing this post, I'm missing this yummy porridge already 😋


The wholesome rainbow colored ingredients that went into the porridge:

Looks like toddlers' porridge but it's so yummy that even an old lady like me loves it!  Porridge with a slew of  colorful vegetables and stock has always been my comfort food 😊

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