Saturday, December 12, 2020

CMCO Day 185 ~ Friday, 11 December 2020

With half a head of organic cabbage in the fridge bought over a week ago and starting to sprout black spots, a loaf of bread sitting in the freezer for almost a month and some month-old frozen organic boneless chicken thighs in the freezer, our wise chef Sherilyn told me yesterday that she will clear the fridge today. We now plan our meals together but on most days, she wants it her way. She's got one more month to cook for us before school starts in mid January 2021. So I let her try out as many new recipes as she desires to hone her cooking skill. Sherilyn really finds it a joy cooking and baking, just like how she used to love playing with her masak-masak toys when she was a toddler.  

Have I told you that Santarina gave us a new Thermomix for Christmas?!  Our chef Sherilyn is going to have a fun time trying out loads of new recipes with the TMX! 

Today she whipped up chicken katsu sando just to clear the old stuff in the fridge.  She has now mastered the skill of deep frying meat coated with Panko bread crumbs with very little oil splatters. The result is always super crispy and mouth-watering fried chicken and pork that taste exactly like the ones from Japanese restaurants.

Sherilyn even makes her own Tonkatsu sauce for the sando.  In fact, she makes most of the Korean and Japanese sauces herself these days. 

Our teenage chef also tried baking brownie cookies for the first time using dark chocolate.  However, she's not happy with her brownie cookies as she said that the top of the cookies didn't crack like they should. Taste wise, they're  delizioso - very chocolaty and not sweet.  She reduced the organic brown sugar and this could be the reason why the top didn't crack.  Well, you can't have the best of both worlds.  You either eat a healthier version that doesn't look like the real deal or you produce perfect looking brownie cookies that's so sweet you'd be scared shit of getting diabetes after chomping down only one piece😬.

I don't mind the appearance at all as long as what I put into my body is healthy.  I'm pretty non-finicky when it comes to food.  I've been trained from young not to be picky with food or we'd be spanked!  Food must always be finished and there were many times when I had to swallow down my rice (I've disliked rice since young) till I felt like puking with tears in my eyes 😂

I think Sherilyn is going to try baking brownie cookies again and this time with more sugar added so that she gets the cracking top on her cookies.  

Would you buy these brownie cookies from Sherilyn if she baked them again? 😬

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