Friday, March 19, 2021

Haru Our Pet Kitten

These days Haru is getting more daring venturing the house.  She loves to run under the sofa and into our bedrooms and hide under the bed as this is where no one can ever reach her! She loves playing catching and hide and seek with us. Perhaps she doesn't want to get back inside her cage, thus she runs away from us.   When we put her back into the cage, she will try to escape by darting out swiftly.  She reminds me of how my papa used to catch rats in our house! 😂😹

Today she started to climb onto our sofa! And rolled and tumbled on it.  We have to be really careful that the queen doesn't see Haru on the sofa or she'll whack her!  But Haru doesn't seem to understand that she cannot go up the sofa coz her sisters love to put her on their laps while they sit on the sofa to watch movies on their mobile phones!  Each time Haru gets on the sofa, I bring her down and say NO sternly. But she still doesn't get it.

It's hard to keep a cat indoors when there's someone in the house who doesn't like it.  We bring Haru out whenever that someone isn't around. It's hard to be happy when there's a limitation in everything you do, right? 
Sigh, that's life.  

Haru is still very much loved by her sisters and me.  We hope that she'll grow up to be one very obedient and loving cat who doesn't cause us any problem. Do you think that it's possible with a cat?  I don't know much about cats and their behavior as we never had a pet cat before.  I only know that dogs are very loyal and lovable and they can be trained quite easily.   I had a pet dog for 11 years who gave us very little problem. 


  1. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and your statement on "It's hard to be happy when there's a limitation in everything you do" caught my eye...if I may share my humble two cents worth, there will always be a limitation in everything we do. It's all in the mindset and learning to value the tiny joys in daily life. :) Cute cat by the way ;)

  2. Hi Becky
    Thank you for you comment and humble two cents worth :)
