Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Our Sunday, 24 October 2021

Hubby had to be at his central kitchen with this team today to prep food for a client's birthday lunch.  So we're left to settle our lunch and dinner ourselves.  Sherilyn whipped up a simple yet amazing sandwich with homemade bacon, avocado, eggs, organic salad and pan-toasted wholemeal walnut bread.

A close family friend ordered home-cooked lunch and had it sent to us by the seller.  He ordered waxed meat rice (Lap Mei Farn) and Tong Sui (pumpkin + sago and red dates + peach gum + snow fungus), cooked by a home-based seller.  The food arrived at around 1 pm but we ate it for dinner at 4 pm.  

Yep, that's how early we have our dinner everyday -- at a time between 3 - 5 pm. After our early dinner, we don't have supper or snacks. If the girls or I feel our tummies rumble by 9 or 10 pm, we don't even bother grabbing a snack but go straight to bed.    And our next meal of the day is around 7 a.m.   I love waking up feeling hungry.  So, we have at least 12-14 hours of intermittent fasting almost every day. 

Cass is now very fastidious about the time of her last meal.  Any food put on the table after 4pm and she will keep her dinner for breakfast the next day. She has at least 16 hours of IF every day and very happy with this regimen. She's slowly turning into a health and fitness freak and I can't be happier! 😁

I can't tell you how beneficial it is for our health to eat an early dinner. We've been doing this for more than 3 years (it started with the girls coming back from school at 3.30pm and I served them dinner at that time) and even the mil has finally bought the idea of having a crazy early dinner at 4pm (and sometimes at 3 pm!) 😁

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