Friday, February 11, 2022

Chinese New Year 2022 ¬ Day 6

We wanted to eat something that's not Chinese after almost a week of having CNY dishes twice a day.  So we went to Money's Corner Food Court in Brickfields where there's a good choice of delicious hawkers fare ranging from Indian to Vietnamese, Western to popular street food, such as Char Koay Teow, Chee Cheong Fun, pork noodles and more.

Peter's pork noodles is one of the best pork noodles in KL.  Generous with pork and pork lard, the bowl of noodles in rich pork soup is a must-have at Money's Corner for fans of pork.

Our other favorite at this food court - Moorthy's Mathai Nasi Briyani with a good choice of delicious Indian dishes for you to pick. 

Our third favorite - beef pho and Viet food. This stall is run by a former chef of a popular Vietnamese restaurant at Mid Valley Megamall.  He and his wife are Vietnamese.

In the evening, a lion dance performance was held at the pool side of our condo.  Some rich neighbors hired the lion dance troupe to perform a spectacular dance on stilts.

Poor Haru was super duper terrified of the banging and thumping of the drums and cymbals. She hid behind my computer desk for hours and refused to come out even after the thunderous sounds of the drums stopped when the show ended.

Two days later on Pai Ti Kong day (Hokkien New Year), our scaredy cat was again scared shit of the thunderous sounds of fire works which lasted for almost an hour.  We had already put her back into her cage but she was so terrified of the blasting sounds that she squeezed herself out of the tiny gap under her cage!!  Sherilyn had to cuddle her tightly for the entire hour from 12 - 1am and slept on the couch that night to accompany her manja meow!

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