Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday, 18 July 2022

Maria our part-time helper of 11 years told me last week that she's expecting her second child. She's eight weeks along now. This time around, she's riddled with bad morning sickness, which is totally different from her first pregnancy with nary any morning sickness or issues.  She even worked for us until she was about 7 months pregnant.  We didn't allow her to climb the ladder to wipe the ceiling fans and she just did simple chores.

It's been two weeks since we're without a part-time helper as Maria is too sick to come.  Things are pretty manageable at home provided we don't cook. Cooking takes up such a lot of time - from prepping to cooking to cleaning up the aftermath. These days the girls are too busy to do their assigned house chores. Alycia comes back from college at almost 10 p.m. every weekday.  Sherilyn has been spending all her time in school training for volleyball and running for inter-school sports meets.  As for Cass, she tells me that going to school makes her frazzled as she leaves the house before 7am and only reaches home at around 4pm from Tuesdays to Fridays. 

Today I tried to be a little ambitious and cooked braised chicken in the pressure cooker while the mil cooked two dishes. Even though these are pretty simple dishes, cleaning up takes up a lot of time.  In between cooking and cleaning up, I had to make 4 trips out of the house to chauffeur the mil around, for school runs, and to run errands.  The current heat wave is not helping either.  

Prepping the chicken in the morning took up 20 minutes of my time. Then I cooked a simple brunch for Cass as her classes are held online every Monday.

After my shower at 8pm, I suddenly felt giddy.  Sitting down and typing this post seems to help alleviate the wooziness.  I wish I could sit in front of my PC for another 2-3 hours but dang it, I have to put everything down and get my beauty sleep after I'm done with this post.  If I don't get my 6-7 hours of sleep, I won't be able to function the next day. 

What a monotonous life I have now. I can't wait for the girls to graduate from uni and get a job so that I am finally relieved of all my responsibilities and start to travel the world!

10 drumsticks into the PPC today.  
It was a very messy affair this time as I have not used the PPC to cook chicken for yonks and almost forgot how to operate it.  I think I didn't shut the lid 100% tightly. When I tried to release the vent manually, steam + sauce shot out from the vent like volcano lava!  Can you imagine the mess on the walls, countertop and other kitchen gadgets nearby?! That's why I felt giddy today from the massive cleanup 😂

Brought Cass to her dad's office today to print her Math worksheets as our house printer conked out.  Cass dragged Haru along and this scaredy cat quivered throughout the car ride 😸

Tomorrow I am SO GOING TO ORDER FOOD. Cass and I have already chosen what we want and at 3pm tomorrow, I'm going to claim my vouchers and check out our Thai food from Shopee Food!  When Cass is back at 4pm tomorrow, she's going to pick up the food from the lobby.

Yay to no cooking!! 

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