Thursday, September 15, 2022

10 September 2022 ~ Mid Autumn Festival

The day that Cass was discharged from HKL was Mid Autumn Festival. I thought that we could have a long overdue Mid Autumn family dinner at a restaurant that evening but my poor girl twisted her ankle on her way out of the hospital to her dad's car 😖. It hurt so badly that Cass could not walk. She had to hobble and hop around.

While everyone else went out for dinner, poor Cass stayed home and nursed her foot with the classic RICE regimen — rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Our Mid Autumn festival dinner ~ steamed fish, steamed chicken with minced ginger sauce, stir-fried celery, stir-fried spinach and 'phai kuat wong'.  I doggy-bagged the dishes for Cass who ate them for lunch the next day.

The moon that night was full - round and bright!

The night before Cass' MRU procedure, I had a meetup with my ertswhile childhood friends.  Jo (first from right) is back for a holiday from San Francisco. We were supposed to have dinner at Pavillion at 6pm but had to cancel the dinner as one of our friends couldn't make it. We ended up having a late meet up at a friend's house and I only got back after 11pm. And the next day I was up at 5 am to get some chores done before leaving to camp at the hospital.  

I only had 5 hours of sleep the past few nights last week caused by Haru's constant wailing and having to wake up early to go to the hospital.  

Friends since primary school, over 40 years of friendship!

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