Sunday, November 12, 2023

Safe Deposit Box Key Mystery

I wanted to snap a picture of an important document kept in my bank's Safe Deposit Box but the SDB key wasn't with me. Before my mil left for New Zealand, I gave her the key as she wanted to keep her stuff in the SDB but she hasn't returned the key to me yet. 

But I wasn't 100% sure if the key was with the mil. She could have returned it to me and I misplaced it.  That happened about 1.5 months ago. I started to go into panic mode!

I couldn't call the mil right away to ask her the whereabouts of the key as she was five hours ahead of us and it was 2am in Auckland. I WhatsApp-ed one of the bank staff to ask him about the procedures but he had already resigned from the bank. I Googled to find out what the procedures are for getting a key replaced. The answer I got sent me into a more panicked state of mind.  You cannot get your lost key replaced. The entire SDB lock has to be replaced with a brand-new one. A locksmith has to be engaged to hack the SDB. All the costs have to be borne by the SDB holder, ranging from RM300 - RM500!  I couldn't imagine money flying away like that, just like how hubby had to pay RM1k to get Alycia's iPad repaired when she carelessly slammed the car door on her iPad recently.

I sent a voice message to the MIL before going to bed. The next morning, she Whatsapp-ed me to tell me that the key was still with her and told me where she had hidden it. What a relief!! 😅😅

Last week we had food from hubby's kitchen again, on an almost daily basis. I'm the happiest as this means fewer chores for me in the kitchen 😊

Sambal prawns.

Mee Siam

Chicken Kuzi (my favorite), cooked using a wide variety of spices, ghee, and Koukakis Greek yogurt (imported from Greece). The Greek yogurt gives this dish a very creamy texture.

Mixed veggies, Thai fishcakes, Telur Dadar (omelet), and Kuih Koci.

Cut honeydew.

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