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Thursday, February 9, 2012


Rascal #2 is truly a fashionista. Wearing fashionable clothes and anything that makes her look good is the name of her game. Games and sports is out for this princess wannabe, except for gymnastics. Yep, she has already told me that she wants to join gymnastics in the extra curricular activities offered by her school. But I have to say that at times, her sense of fashion can be rather atrocious and makes me flip at her creation LOL!

Here's what Sherilyn did to her baby sister...

I was freaking mad with her that instead of doing what I had asked her to do, which was to read her BM book (she will be tested under the LINUS government program and streamed in Std. 2), she zoomed away and played with Baby. But my anger quickly dissipated the moment I saw how she had 'transformed' her baby sister into, which was a supposedly Arabian princess LOL!!!

Hmmm, never mind that she dislikes Math and studying *self consoling myself*, I should tell myself that she still has a 'talent' in her, which is being artistic, imaginative and she has a gift of gab too. Who knows, she will be the next Melinda Looi!


MeRy said...

She is super creative....

Yannie said...

This is her childhood, let her play and have fun.