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Showing posts with label fetal movements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fetal movements. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2007

Pregnancy At Week 19

Finally I can feel my baby's kicks and movements. Though I could feel them from as early as 8 weeks (my gynae said it's impossible but I swear I felt fluttering movements. I know how they feel like as I've gone through 2 pregnancies), but those fluttering movements were far and apart and not frequent.

At 18 weeks, I started to feel stronger movements and now at 19 weeks, the movements are more intense and frequent, more so after my meals and especially so during the ultrasound scans at the gynae's office.

When I was carrying Alycia and was bed-resting, I even charted every single movement and hiccups in a diary from the 18th week through the 38th week. With Sherilyn I was too busy with charting the movements as I was working full-time. With this baby, more reason why I am not charting the movements coz my hands are all tied being a full-time housewife and part-time working mum. I am also too busy to even notice the movements at times.

My 2 gals are also putting me to shame coz they have been talking to the baby more often than me. When I have the time to lie down and feel the baby move, I'm already drop dead exhausted and would normally doze off during my prayers or within 10 minutes of hitting my pillow! Shameful mummy!