My mil's latest baking frenzy is pizza, healthy yummylicious ones! Last week she made pizzas 2 days in a row. I always thought making pizza is such a hassle but after seeing her make them, I think it's pretty easy. The troublesome part is making the dough (it may be nothing to some people but to me it is considered very tedious as I don't have the time in hand). But we can make a big portion and deep freeze them in smaller portions for future use.

All the healthy liu (ingredients) - organic green, red and yellow capsicum, big onions, homemade tomata paste (which she used a big bag of organic tomatoes and blended them), fresh mushrooms, mozarella and parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil and sausages from Europe (a relative who went to Europe gave them to us).

And oh yes, my mil also grinded some peppercorns and mixed herbs onto the pizza.

The pizza just before going into the oven.

The homemade pizza with thick crust, fresh from the oven... smells SO SO good and tastes SO SO good *slurps*
The following day, my mil made thin crust pizza (specially requested from moi!) and she added some chicken breasts for the topping, as I prefer thin crusts pizzas and this tasted even more scrumptious! She will be making pizza again this week. This time, I will buy a can of pineapple and get her to add pineapple slices on the pizza, yums!

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