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Showing posts with label Learning from Computers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning from Computers. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just Because of A Darn Teeny Weeny Misplacement

Nothing can be more frustrating than having to do something that you are not hands-on with. I started this blog, which is my maiden blog 5 years ago. I was just a si-lai then. Yes I have knowledge on how to operate the PC and know Excel, Words, Power Point and surf the net but totally zilch knowledge on computer codes. But I was very determined to create a blog for dual purposes. First as an eDiary to pen down my journey with my girls and secondly to earn some moolah from it. After many, many late nights, I finally learned a great deal on computer codes, how to upload pictures into my blogs, learned that pictures are made up of nothing but a huge chunk of codes which the computer recognizes and all that jazz.

Anyway, the purpose of this blog post is to rant that I had spent almost half the afternoon on my other blog trying to add in a link to my side bar in return for some moolah in USD. I just didn't understand why my entire blog layout would go distorted the moment I added the text with link to the widget for my side bar. Then I copied the whole damn link and compared it with the codes from other links and bingo! I found where the error was that caused the distortion. It was just one very minor misplacement of the code as below...

Instead of ending one of the codes contained within the link with
I ended it like this

The problem was with a mere misplacement of the / which had caused me so much misery for months!

Actually this problem persisted for many months and I just did not have the time to do a post mortem on it, until today where I had no choice coz of the USD100 haha! Damn frustrating but very satisfied with my little 'achievement'!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

My IT-Savvy Kids

In this modern day and age, most kids are now IT-savvy. Toddlers are even taught to use the computer in pre-schools. This kiasu mum here does not want her gals to loose out and wants them to be on top of technology too. So she's taking advantage of their interest in the computer. Hop on to my other blog to read more....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I Love Reading From The Computer

My gals' all-time favourite reading resource... the computer. Most of the time, I will hoard the PC, blogging and net surfing away but when I am in a good mood, my gals rule the PC.

Reading from the Starfall website.