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Showing posts with label Nuchal Translucency Scan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuchal Translucency Scan. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2007

Dilated Kidney

I consulted Dr Patrick of Fetal Medicine and Gynaecology Centre today upon recommendation by my gynae to consult a fetal specialist. After a thorough ultrasound scan and some calculations, I was told that my chances of having a 'Down' baby is low, i.e. risk is about 1 in 300. Apart from the dilated kidney, everything else looked normal. The baby has a nasal bone and the back of the neck wasn't thick. Heart and brain looked normal. It was such a relief to hear that.

Dr Patrick said that in most cases, the dilated kidney would resolve by itself either in utero or after delivery. Close monitoring of the baby's kidney is important throughout the pregnancy. The worst case scenario would be the baby having kidney reflux and only in rare cases would the kidney be damaged. So he had left the option of doing an Amnio test to hubby and I. We have decided to go for the test to get some peace of mind which is scheduled for in around 2 weeks' time, i.e. at 16 weeks of gestation. A normal waiting period for the results to be out is 2 weeks and costs RM1,800, of which the amniotic fluid would be sent to Singapore. An express one would be done locally in KL and costs RM2,300, of which we have opted for.

Alycia and Sherilyn were very expensive babies and looks like this baby too would be very expensive. Well, as long as the baby's fine and healthy, money is secondary and I shall continue to pray that this baby will be absolutely healthy and perfect.

And oh yes, my first gynae has told me the gender of the baby and I've seen it too on Tuesday. Today Dr Patrick told me that it is still not clearly visible yet. Well, to me girl or boy is not a concern anymore. It never was a concern to me. It is already a big gift from God if the baby is born healthy without any defects.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thank You

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who had given me their well wishes, comforting words and prayers. Today, I found out from two of my friends that fetus with dilated kidney is quite a common problem. One blogging mom told me that her gynae also detected from the ultrasound scan that her son had a dilated kidney, even up to the time when she was about to deliver him. After he was born, miraculousy he was fine with no kidney problem. However, in some cases, the child would have kidney reflux and would require antibiotics for the rest of his/her life and in the worst case scenario, surgery is required. Another friend of mine called me today and told me that one of her friend's baby also had dilated kidney in utero but after the bb was born, she was fine too. Hearing these stories gave me some relief but then again, I still can't seem to get the worry off my mind.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nuchal Translucency Scan

Today, my gynae did a Nuchal Translucency scan on my baby. Everything looked fine but the baby's kidney looked slightly dilated. There could be a blockage somewhere that prevents the urine from flowing. My heart was just crushed when my gynae told me that. I could see the baby sucking its thumb and it was very active and moving around. I would have to go back for another NT scan next week to check the bb's kidney again. My dr said that in some babies, the problem is transient and during subsequent scans, the kidney would look normal in size again BUT if the problem is still there, then I'd need to do an Amnio test to check the chromosomes. My mind is blank now - I can only pray to God that he will have mercy on this baby.