The hubs carted back a really HUGE X'mas pressie late last night. When the girls saw the pressie, they thought that it was yet another pressie for them but no no, it's mine, haha! I am itching to know what is beneath the gift wrapper. Could it be something that I have been eyeing from Ikea? I have penned down a few items that I want from Ikea and have been bugging the hubs to bring me to Ikea to grab them with my gift vouchers but my man is always bogged down with work. But he likes to give surprises hehe.
I hope the pressie is either a little side closet next to our big closet, to put Cass' clothes. I am also hoping that it is the clothes hanger I told him about. And I am wishing that it is this water-saving tap too. Our kitchen tap now gushes water out at a really heavy flow at the lift of the lever. I think half a liter of water is used just to wash a spoon that is not oily! Our water bill is shocking at almost RM100 a month! Piped-in gas another RM120 and electricity bill another RM400+!! Horror!
This water-saving water tap from Ikea comes with a flow control function, thus saving us flowing amount of $$! I snapped this picture when we went to Ikea last month. In fact, I have taken pix of all the stuff that I want from Ikea so that I can go straight to the section to check it out when we go to Ikea next.

Can you spot the BIGGEST pressie? It's MINE, HO HO HO!!!

Here's also wishing everyone happy Winter Solstice festival, Merry X'mas and flowing happiness throughout 2012!