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Showing posts with label post-pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label post-pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2008

How I Love My Urut Session

I just had a session of urut (massage in Malay). Woot.... it really felt so good. As the urut lady was putting the 'tungku' (hot stone) on my belly, I could feel the trapped wind in my tummy rumble and then making its way out.... from the top and bottom! Phew, felt so good as the wind was being released. The urut lady seemed very experienced and could even tell that I still had some blood clots in my body by touching my tummy (which is true as the ultrasound scan last week showed some blood clots between my womb and the bladder). The hot stone is supposed to induce the blood clots out and to expel the wind. She charged me RM70 for a 1.5 hour session and I have booked her for 5 sessions. I can't wait for her to come again for my next urut session on Thursday.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Confinement Food

That's what I had for lunch yesterday - 'chue keok choa' or black vinegar pigs' trotters with hard boiled chicken eggs and hard boiled ducks eggs. Also had brocolli and a herbal soup.... one big pot that is.... for the whole day!

My appetite is the worse this confinement. Maybe that's because of my inflammed guts. This confinement is also the least like a proper confinement for me as I have broken every rule there is in a confinement. I was treated like a princess during my 1st confinement after the birth of Alycia. I ate in my room and had a very good CL. My 2nd confinement was also satisfactory. With 2 older kids now, I find it really hard to get rest during the day. My CL is also a pain in the neck and would not help me much. Talking and writing about her make my blood boil.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Am On My Way To Having Flawless Legs Again!

This is what pregnancy hormones can do to one's body. After the birth of Baby C, the unsightly varicose veins on my legs started to subside.

BEFORE DELIVERY (around 6-7 months pregnant)

AFTER DELIVERY. This pic was taken 6 days post delivery.

Friday, April 18, 2008

More Post C-Section Nightmare

I thought my post c-section has ended but nope, the nightmare continued when I discovered another problem 2 nights ago. I was at the hospital the whole afternoon today waiting to see my superstar gynae who was called to perform an emergency c-section. The problem this time has got to do with my bladder, also resulting from the c-section. I am really depressed and upset that this problem has to happen to me. I shall post about this problem later coz I am really in no mood to write about this problem now.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Post C-Section - Inflammed Guts

Today, I went for a follow-up check at the Gastroenterologist's office. After checking my tummy, the doctor finally gave me the green light to start eating food on a normal diet again. He has also given me the clearance to eat confinement food BUT to start off with just a few spoonfuls of anything that has alcohol in it. As soon as my stools are firm again, it is a sign that my intestines have fully healed. So I am to continue going slow on food.

Read more about my nightmarish post c-section here.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Pain, Pain, Pain

My gynae recently told me that there's a Jewish woman who had gone through 7 c-sections to deliver 7 healthy babies. I wonder how that woman did it. Though today's the 6th day post c-section, I am still feeling pain inside (the wound area) when I walk and lie down (especially side ways). I did not suffer much pain after my 1st c-section, while the pain was bearable after my 2nd c-section but for this c-section, I am suffering in pain. I am also purging like mad. I will be bringing baby to see the paed in a moment and I have also fixed an appointment to see my gynae and the Gastroenterologist. Hopefully there's no infection in my womb.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Can You Eat Eggs And Ginger If You Have A C-Section

I was told by friends that I should avoid eating eggs, 'sang yue' (ikan haruan) and ginger for the first 2 weeks post-delivery if I have gone through a c-section delivery. Reason? These food will cause the wound to get infected and turn ugly. Eggs and fish are high in protein. Protein will heal the wound and make the flesh grow rapidly, thus causing the flesh in the wound to overlap. The Chinese also believe that the ginger will cause the wound to turn ugly and I don't know the reason behind it. I did not believe in this myth and I ate an egg a day and lots of ginger throughout my confinement. Thank God, my wound healed without getting infected and it did not turn ugly too.

Have you heard of this myth? For those of you who had gone through c-section deliveries, did you refrain yourself from eating eggs, sang yue and ginger for the first 2 weeks of your confinement?

Busy Week

These few days I will be super busy rushing off all my outstanding assignments before I take a long blog break next week. But I think most likely I won't be able to resist turning on my computer to check my emails and to start blogging again the same day I am discharged from the hospital, knowing my stubborn self! I am just not the type who can sleep or lay on my bed doing nothing the whole day.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sweet Cherry Jogger

I was shopping for baby stuff with Sherilyn at Jaya Jusco on Friday when we passed by the department that displays strollers and prams. When Sherilyn saw the Sweet Cherry jogger that I wanted to buy, she immediately climbed onto it and refused to get down.

Sherilyn has not been pushed on a stroller for more than a year and she really misses her rides on one. I used to strap her onto her pram occasionally when I went running in the morning. She also misses being treated like a baby.
I plan to get a jogger soon so that I can resume my daily running sessions 2 months post-delivery (for c-section delivery, it's best to rest the womb and wound for 2 months). However, hubby is not too keen that I go running with his precious baby strapped in a jogger for fear of the baby being snatched. Well, it's either he gets me a jogger or a threadmill - I'll ask which he prefers! I really need to get back into shape and feel fit and healthy again.