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Showing posts with label Durian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Durian. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Durians For Breakfast and Lunch Again!

These days I look forward to hubby coming home. Not that I miss him but I look forward to the durians that he brings home 😁.  He helps his best friend sell durians online and he gets free durians almost everyday.  

This was my breakfast yesterday morning - Musang King, Tekka, Phoenix and Red Prawn durians.  Some of the durian seeds that you see here were rejected ones, nonetheless they were still SO GOOD!!  They only sell 100% perfect durians to their customers who can pre-order everyday during the season season. Instead of discarding these still good but not 100% perfect durians, hubs brings them home for us humble folks to savour.

I can eat 10 seeds at one go but the health freak in me stops me from doing it.  I eat 3-4 seeds a day and drink matcha and sugar-free lemon juice everyday to prevent heatiness.  Exercising and sweating helps to cool down my body and I swear by it. Thus, I jog and brisk walk from 10 to 10:40 a.m. everyday to soak in the goodness of the sun and to sweat it out to get my dose of serotonin.

Yesterday hubs brought back Serawa Durian from his shop.  This morning I had low fat Greek yoghurt with Serawa Durian for brunch and it kept me full the whole day.  I then had an early dinner of Nasi Lemak and chicken rendang (from hubby's shop) at 4:30 p.m..  I have been eating my dinners at around 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. for the past two years as part of my Intermittent Fasting (IF) practice.

Never heard of this combination - durian kaya with sugar-free Greek yoghurt? Try it and I'll wager that you'll love it 😬

If you'd like to try Durian King 70 Musang King durians and Catermate's Serawa Durian, you can place your order via Whatsapp here - wa.me/60198981881

Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Flexitarian's Lunch

My laziest yet healthiest lunch ever - steamed Japanese sweet potatoes, thinly sliced cool and crunchy green bell peppers and cool kyuri.

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While Drama Queen and Cass had pork bolognese penne pasta that I cooked for dinner the previous night, I had an almost fat-free, low calorie, zero oil all natural lunch.

Satisfied to the max as it was guilt-free, food additives-free, process-free and meat-free, just my kind of meal, for a flexitarian.

Later in the afternoon, the hubs surprised me with my favorite fruit - Musang King and Red Prawn durian!!

Sei lor, fei sei lor!!  And my cholesterol!!

But since the durian season only comes 2-3 times in a year, what the heck!  Just wallop and suffer later.  The next morning, I swam an extra 2 laps in the pool, making it to 28 laps.  After a shower, I had durian for breakfast! That night, I did 50 bicycle crunches on the bed before I dare hit the sack.

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For my readers living abroad and craving for some durians, nah, my treat to you -- close up pix of my Musang King and Red Prawn durian ;)  They are totally to die for.

Image may contain: food and indoor

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Musang King Durian Party - Round 2

We had another round of Musang King durian party on Sunday at home!  All the Yap relatives converged at our home for a mega party cum reunion.

The hubs ordered over 30kg of Grade A Musang King durians...

While the adults had durian, the kids had pizzas and chicken wings from Dominos, again!

Fruit rojak for those from overseas who have not tasted this for yonks...

None of the kids went near the durians, though my girls are lovers of the king of fruits... just because their cousins don't like durians :D

Friday, July 3, 2015

Feasting On Durians

Hubs has been buying durians every other day.  Yesterday, he brought home some Grade A+ Musang King durians that were from his friend's durian orchard and oh my, the durians were indeed superb!! My visiting elder brother, SIL and niece from Singapore had the opportunity to taste the durians.

The texture of the Grade A+ Musang King flesh was fine and creamy and taste was bitter sweet.
I must say that it is the thick luscious flesh and fine creamy and moist texture that discern these Grade A+ Musang King from its inferior siblings.  It is comparable with the Bamboo Leg durian species.

So how do we manage to keep 'heatiness' at bay from all these crazy durian binging?  With Izumio hydrogen water of course and I swear by it - for my kids and me!   During each durian season in the past, getting a sore throat is not uncommon for us.  Thankfully this time, we have Izumio to bring down the heatiness from the durians and crazy heatwave.  And we have Super Lutein to strengthen our immune system guards too :D

Give me a buzz via email @ shireenyong@gmail.com if you want to find out more on Izumio and Super Lutein.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Glorious Durians!

The husband's friend gave us some supposedly 5-star 'kunyit' durian from some old durian trees last week. By the time the durians reached our house, it was way past 9pm and by the time the husband was free to open up the durians, it was almost midnight. The aroma of the durian was really tempting and I was really tempted to try some but I turned down the husband's invitation to sample them as I was drop dead tired and sleepy and only wanted to go to bed.  Moreover I do not eat anything after 8pm but I finally succumbed to his continuous invitation and the killer aroma of the durians. So what the heck, I told myself just one seed, then another, and then another and finally, I think I walloped about 5-6 seeds of durians with thick, sweet and bitter flesh ! It's been ages since I last had durians as midnight supper and it was indeed satisfying. And I have already lost all the weight I had piled up during this durian season these few days, after our helper went back for good. Now, I have achieved my pre-Cassandra weight once again at 44kg, tee hee hee....

For those of you who are residing overseas and are a lover of durians, sorry if this post made you salivate. I know how expensive durians are overseas and you get only frozen ones haha! Oops, sorry!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Durian Season Is Back!

The durian season is back! While I get really excited and happy to see those durian stalls by the roadside, the durian season spells FAT for me, for I will surely be gorging on them several times in a week throughout the durian season. Though I am on a low-carb diet, durian is something which I am too weak to say NO to. I eat durian for breakfast, I eat them for desserts and I even dream of eating durian!

Even my 3 girls love them!

Alycia and Baby having durian for dessert after lunch!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Durians Galore

The durian season is here again, which means it's also the season that I have to work out extra hard everyday to melt away the calories that I had packed after all the feasting on durians. Yup, I have been having durians for breakfast for the past 1 week. Not a single person in our household dislikes durians. We can eat nothing but durians for lunch or dinner! One of the best places to get durians is at SS2 in PJ. You can even get them online from www.DurianSS2.com, where you can email the owner for orders and enquiries! Talk about the IT age. Even durian sellers are moving from selling by the roadside to selling them online... albeit the fact that they still sell their durians by the roadside.

Our premium Musang King... if you are living abroad and have no access to the king of fruits, sorry ah if I made you drool...

Monkey see monkey do. This little monkey saw mummy eating durians for breakfast and she too wanted to have durians for breakfast!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Can Never Get Sick Of Durians

I have been feasting on these every single week for almost a month and I am still not sick of them yet. In fact, I yearn for them very much. Though high in sugar, carbo and calories, I for one can immediately forgo my diet regimen and gorge on them. There is always an exception when it comes to the king of fruits!

Musang King variety... notice how yellow and thick the flesh are. Yums, simply irresistible... even to a health and fitness freak!

For my readers who cannot buy fresh durians in your country, sorry, this post is not meant to tempt you :D

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Durian Season Is Returning!

It's the start of the durian season now and they are freaking expensive. Several days ago, hubby went to a durian stall with his friend and spent almost RM70 for 2 durians. After eating the durians at the stall, he packed home a box with only 5 seeds of durian. Funny, I used to go crazy over durians and craved for them but now, I don't really fancy eating them anymore. This time, I found them terribly sweet, had a bad aftertaste and felt like puking after eating them. Instead, Alycia and Sherilyn were fighting with each other over the durians and ate most of them!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Durian For Breakfast!

Alycia enjoying every bite of the durian whilst Sherilyn was enjoying her perssimon and grapes for breakfast.

It's the durian season now and since I love durian so much, DH would buy me durian from the pasar malam every Friday. It's not only DH and I who love eating them but both Alycia and Sherilyn have also developed a strong liking for the king of the fruit.

Normally DH would buy enough durian for me to savour for 2-3 days and I would keep them in the fridge and eat them for breakfast for 2-3 straight mornings, without any signs of boredom. Yesterday, I decided to give 1 seed to Alycia and she enjoyed every single bite of the flesh. I just hope she won't get heaty after eating them as she had also eaten some petai the day before.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

It's The Durian Season Now

Woohoo.... the durian season is back again. I love the durian season and I love durian terribly. Each time i pass by a roadside durian stall, i'll ask DH to get me some durians. Yesterday, DH bought me 1 BIG plastic bag of durians (6 styrofoam boxes)... and that only cost him RM50. This includes 2 whole durians that he and his cousin ate at the stall and 1 styrofoam box that he gave to his friend.... all these for RM50, not bad. I ate so much durian that I felt so bloated and couldn't even eat my dinner. I even gave 1 box to my maid to enjoy. I still have 1 big container full of durian in the fridge. That will probably last me for another 2 days. I am satisfied....burp.... stinky :)