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Showing posts with label Fitball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitball. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fitball Wonders.... Part 2

After just 2 days of exercising my back on my fitball, the pain vanished today! I kid you not, the pain just vanished today. From a nagging jabbing pain on the right side of my back, there wasn't any pain on my back today. Well, maybe I had slept well last night. Today I did not have enough time to exercise on the fitball as I had to prepare the gals for church in the morning. I'll see if the backpain comes back or not tomorrow. I'm praying that it will not and will never come back again. I'd better exercise regularly on the fitball, it truly is amazing. If you too have backache, you really have to try arching your back on the fitball. All you need is just 2-3 minutes each day on the fitball. For tips on how to exercise on the fitball, click here. There are demo pix of me exercising on the fitball.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fitball Wonders

I've just had 2-3 minutes of back arching exercise on my fitball and let me tell you, the effect is really good. The nagging jabbing pain on my back has subsided. Of course I don't expect the pain to vanish instantaneously but the pain sure has gone down quite a bit. I shall continue with the fitball exercise.... can't be lazy anymore!

Bad Backache

I woke up this morning with a bad backache. For some reasons, I've not been exercising my back on the fitball for a while already and damn it, my backache has re-surfaced. That's the thing with this fitball. If you work-out on it diligently, your backache will surely be kept at bay but once you've stopped working on it, the backache will surely come back to haunt you. I better start exercising on my fitball again coz the pain is really unbearable and causing me disrupted sleep.