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Showing posts with label Toddlers Feeding Problem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toddlers Feeding Problem. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2009

Baby Drinks Soy Bean Milk With Beancurd

Sick of it and never really liked it before, Baby is hating her Pediasure more and more each day. She kind of likes Marigold HL fresh milk but she is slightly lactose intolerant, so she will have loose bowel and purge after drinking cow's milk. So I bought soy bean milk and beancurd for her. She loved them. She has always liked tofu, even if it's eaten plain, without any soy sauce or seasoning.

Baby enjoying her soy bean milk + beancurd while watching tellie.

The beancurd that I buy is free from 'sek koa' (the coagulant used in the beancurd). The beancurd is coagulated using fruit pectin. The beancurd is super smooth and I normally buy sugar-free ones.

Monday, August 24, 2009

If Only She Would Drink From A Cup

I was at Babyland the other day to get Baby a 3-in-1 cup, i.e. a cup that comes with a spout, a straw and a teat. There were so many brands of 3-in-1 cup that I didn't know which one to buy. Initially I chose a Tommy Tippee cup and that cup was almost RM40. When I was about to pay, I changed my mind and got a Pureen cup instead, which cost way cheaper. I just had a hunch that Baby would resist using the teat, spout and straw (as I had tried in vain to feed her with those countless times) and I didn't want the expensive cup to go to waste.

I was right. When I let Baby use the cup with the straw, teat and spout, all she did was played with the cup, shoke the cup as if it was her new toy and spilled water everywhere. It was back to square one and I ended up spoon feeding her again, looooooong sigh......

Monday, April 27, 2009

Spoon-Feeding Baby C With Formula Milk

In order to jack up Baby C's weight so that she's one healthy baby with an average weight by the time she goes in for a surgery in a week's time, I have started to feed Baby C formula milk powder. I started to supplement her breast milk feeding with formula milk powder about a week ago (amount of breast milk still unchanged) and I must say it's a very, very tedious and stressful process. My sweetie-pie would struggle, arch her back and whine each time I force feed her with formula milk powder. She was on Enfagrow A+ and our pediatric surgeon advised us to feed her with Pediasure to boost her weight increase at a more rapid rate. She could only drink 2 - 3 ounces each time (which seemed like forever for her to finish) and she would drink it twice a day.

I first tried to feed her with an Avent milk bottle but this fler kept playing and pushing the teat with her tongue, whilst giggling away! Next, I gave her a straw but this fler kept blowing bubbles with the straw and blew out the milk all over me and on the floor. The only way to make her drink her formula now is by spoon-feeding her... drop by drop.... and gawd, I tell you, I feel like crying and spanking her each time I feed her... coz she would spill her milk and it's messy and sticky, she would struggle and I would sweat as if I'd just completed a 3km run. For night time feeding, I even have to switch on the air-cond in the living room and sit right in front of the air-cond! And I have to sit her on my lap right in front of the TV while talking and singing to her so that I can better manage her coz if I put her on a high-chair or on the floor, this fler will move her head and move a lot to avoid the spoon.

I feel like giving up on formula. I think my poor sweetie-pie must be feeling so stuffed everyday and wondering why mummy is stuffing her with food and formula everyday. She has even been throwing up for the past few days as a result of over-feeding. Last night while nursing her to sleep, she jumped up all of a sudden, cried and puked all her milk out. She must be too full and I think she has a very shallow and small tummy, just like Sherilyn. Sherilyn used to puke a lot too when she was younger.

Tell me, should I just give up on formula milk powder for Baby C? It's really very stressful for me and stressful for my baby.

Barb, I salute you. I really don't know how you spoon-fed Ashley with milk for so many years!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Over-Ate And Refusing Milk

When Raymond kau foo (my eldest brother) and Marene kam moh came from Singapore last week, we had dinner at the Japanese restaurant at our condo. Alycia ate to her heart's content and walloped California rolls, maki, chawan mushi, prawn tempura, rice, grilled fish, green tea ice cream and jelly. After weeks of pigging out on food, Alycia's body finally surrendered last week whilst we were in Ipoh and she puked. Till today (almost 1 week later), her appetite has still not really returned and she has been refusing milk ever since. I hope she won't lose interest in milk and wean herself from milk. I think it's a tad too early for her to stop drinking milk. She's still a growing toddler and I think milk is still a good source of calcium and protein. Anyway, I am now giving her Marigold HL fresh milk.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

No Proper Meals

When Sherilyn took close to an hour to swallow 2 teaspoons of rice with fish during dinner several days ago, I knew there's just no point forcing her to eat something which she doesn't like to eat. I then fixed her cereal, which is her favorite. After a few spoonfulls of cereal, she puked! As she had practically no solid food in her tummy the whole day (she also did not finish her lunch), I decided to open up a box of rice bubbles. When she saw me pouring out the rice bubbles into her bowl, she screamed "put some milk too!". I then poured some cool Marigold HL milk into her bowl of rice bubbles and within 15 minutes, she chomped it down without any fuss or hassle. As she ate, she kept saying "very nice, I like it"!

Sherilyn enjoying every bit of her rice bubbles and touched none of the other food on the table.

Monday, November 26, 2007

It's No Fun That She Only Loves Buns

It's every parent's nightmare when their child does not like to eat their proper meals and wholesome meals and I'm facing this nightmare now. Sherilyn's eating habits is regressing and she does not seem to have interest in her meals whether homecooked or outside food. She does not eat any meat, except for fish balls or fish with soft textured meat and now, she does not even eat her vege. She used to love eating greens but now, she's only interested in plain noodles, fish balls, cheese and BUNS. She can eat nothing but just sweet buns and cheese and it's really no fun to see her eat such food for lunch or dinner. Luckily she still loves her hard boiled eggs and she's eating one a day and that's where she gets all her protein from.

Sherilyn relishing her polor pau (pineapple custard bun) for dinner.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I Love Butter and Seaweed Sandwich

Sherilyn loves butter and she loves them in chunks on her sandwich or on her hard-boiled egg. This morning, she had chunky butter sandwich with crispy seaweed and a hard-boiled egg. Everyone has been saying that Sherilyn has lost a lot of her cute baby fat on her cheeks and arms. I'm trying to make her gain some weight by feeding her butter, more milk, cheese and an egg everyday. She's been a very picky eater of late and has been refusing to eat any meat. My maid and I have to spend almost 1.5 hours to feed her lunch or dinner. She's really testing our patience when all she does is just store the food in her mouth!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sherilyn's Feeding Problem

I wish I knew what's wrong with Sherilyn. She used to love milk and can down a bottle of 7oz milk in a matter of minutes but for the past few days, she would spend close to an hour to gulp it down. She's not teething or anything coz when i asked her if her teeth or gums hurt, she said no. She would spend around 15 mins just to drink half the amount of milk from the bottle and then spends the next half hour biting the teat or shaking the bottle, messing up herself and the place. Each time, I end up pouring out the milk in a cup for her to drink. I thought she wants to wean herself off the bottle but no, she still insists she wants to drink from the bottle.

Apart from this milk problem, Sherilyn still spits her meat and food during mealtimes. I have to resort to putting the cane on the dining table to threaten her to stop spitting and sadly, it works. Her plate and bib are almost clean at the end of each meal now, thanks to the cane. This fussy pot is driving me bonkers!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ms Pukey in action.... puking of course

Warning : you are about to view some gross pictures below.
Please skip this post and/or the pictures if you have a weak tummy or think you may get nauceated after viewing them.

I had thought that I could wean Sherilyn off blended food but after spending more than half an hour trying to make her chew and swallow her unblended food a few nights ago, I gave up coz she wasn't swallowing her food, especially the meat. She begged for cereal but I said no and told her that cereal is only for babies.
So I dumped her meal into the blender, got it all blended up and after she had finished it with much reluctance, Sherilyn spewed out her dinner like a volcano.

Miss Pukey Spitty Spat ended up having 'fast food' for dinner instead...... her favourite brown rice cereal and licked up the bowl too. My lil' brat always has her ways of getting what she wants, through puking..... manipulative isn't she?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sherilyn Takes 2 Hours To Eat

Yup, no joke. Sherilyn takes 2 hours or more to finish her lunch and dinner. She has the habit of storing the food in her mouth before deciding whether to swallow them or spit them out or at times she'd decide to be a ruminant, like a cow.

Thank God my maid has the patience to sit patiently and wait for Sherilyn to finish her meals coz I definitely have no patience sitting at the dining table for 2 hours trying to coax or bribe her to swallow her food. I'd rather be clearing the table and washing the dishes.

A few days ago, Sherilyn had spent close to 1.5 hours to finish off her cereal and Mac n Cheese during lunch. Later she saw me eating toasted bread and begged for a slice. I then gave her a slice of toast with organic strawberry jam (her favourite) and she decided she wanted to toss and flip the toast as if she was making roti canai and then.......

.....as she flipped the toast, it flew right down to the floor. Aarrgghhh....great..... no more toast for her. I was actually relieved that the bread had dropped, otherwise I'd have have to wait for another one hour for her to finish off the toast.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sherilyn Finally Eats Unblended Food

Yay! Sherilyn has finally been eating unblended food for the last 3 days. As she has been showing signs for the pass few days that she has had enough of blended food coz whenever my maid fed her blended rice with dishes, she gave an expression as if she wanted to puke and kept saying "i dowan blended rice". So 3 days ago, we gave her unblended food and she was so pleased though she still spat out most of the meat and took almost 2 hours to finish her bowl of food. Only my maid has the patience to sit at the dining table for 2 hours to feed Sherilyn.

Yay... unblended food finally.

I can chew mummy... but I still don't like meat.

Sherilyn's meal of rice, steam tofu, vege and 'tai yi mar kar lui' (stir-fried melon with chicken breast, dried shrimps and toong fun)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Feeding Toddlers Medicine

Alycia and Sherilyn have never been easy feeders when it comes to medicine.
Thankfully, they rarely fell sick when they were younger, maybe once or twice a year.

When they were younger, there must be at least 3 people around in order to get them to swallow their medicine and those sick days were full of drama and emotions, and the air in the house was filled with wafts of vomit.

As I was still working then, I had 2 maids at home to help with the chores and to help my mil with the gals. One maid would be holding back Alycia's struggling hands, the other maid would be holding back her forcefully kicking legs whilst my mil would force open Alycia's mouth and squirt the syringe of syrup medicine into her mouth, only to be thrown up within seconds. If my youngest sil or I were around, we would be the entertainers, acting out anything we could think of under the sun from singing to acting silly to using a toy to distract, you name it. The house was like a battle ground each time the gals fell sick.

Eversince Alycia attended pre-school early this year and fell sick so frequently (and then spreading the illness to Sherilyn), both gals have kinda got immuned to the taste of medicines or maybe I finally found them a paed who prescribes them with sweet nice smelling and tasty medicine.

As for me, I am now a pro-medicine-feeder to toddlers and can sup sup sui feed both the gals their medicine all by myself even with my eyes closed and don't even need to use a syringe anymore.... but on one condition set by the gals... there must be SWEET TREATS for them to go with their medicine. No problem lah so long as they willingly swallow their medicine.

So each time the gals are prescribed with medicine, DH and I would stock up the house with cakes, organic buns and biscuits. Alycia actually loves falling sick coz that's the only time mummy is so lenient and generous with sweet stuff with her. Sometimes she even pretends to be sick for she thinks she can fool us into bringing her to the doctor but she doesn't know that her mummy is fool-proof.

All set ready to feed the gals medicine.... plain chiffon cake, organic bread, their medicine and measuring cup. Oh, forgot to put the cup of water in.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sherilyn My Poor Feeder

Sherilyn who is 2 years 3 months is a very picky eater and poor feeder. When it comes to rice and dishes, I still have to blend them for her. Can you beat that?

I have tried many times trying to wean her off blended food and gave her unblended rice and dishes to eat but guess what she did to the meat? She would take forever to chew the meat and then just when I thought she's about to swallow them, she would spit them all out and give me a 'I almost want to puke' look. It's really frustrating seeing your toddler rejecting food in this manner, gross and heartbreaking altogether.

Sherilyn does not even like food from restaurants and hotels, apart from cakes, bread and of course salad . Whilst most toddlers her age would squeal with delight when brought to these places to eat such a wide variety of mouth-watering grub, my Sherilyn is contented with her cereal. Yeah, can you beat that? Sherilyn is still eating cereal and she loves them.... till she eats her cereal everyday and she never seems to get tired of it.

Sherilyn is a great fan of greens and even eats raw celery sticks, carrot sticks, raw bell-pepper, bittergourd (which would instantly nauceate most kids) but detests meat of all sorts except fish paste and fish balls. I had initially assumed that meat is too hard for her to chew and too rough for her to swallow but what about toasts, crackers, pan-fried tempeh (her favourite), raw carrot sticks and brocolli? ALl these are hard stuff but she devours them and never feels that they are too hard for her tiny teeth to work on or too geli for her throat.

Are there any parents out there who are facing the same situation as me? Please share your experience.