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Showing posts with label nuts and seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuts and seeds. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Crazy Over Sesame Seeds

Who is crazy over sesame seeds? Who else would eat sesame seeds this way? Find out here...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I Can Go Nuts Over Nuts

These days I can't eat much, especially meat and sweet stuff. On some days when I have totally no appetite to eat anything for breakfast, I will just nibble on nuts and a glass of milk. These nuts can keep me full till 10am when I have another light breakfast with the gals where I will much on some fruits and crackers and share a hard-boiled egg with Alycia. Alycia only eats the egg white and I always wallop the egg yolk.

Walnuts, pecan nuts, macademia nuts, hazelnuts and almonds - I just love these nuts.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Going Nuts Over Nuts

Before my parents left for China for a holiday, I told them not to buy the gals and I anything from China. After reading all the controversial reports on China produce and goods, I just have no more confidence in China made things anymore. So when my parents came back from China, they bought no souvenirs for us apart from a big bag of walnuts, peanuts and sunflower seeds!

Since then, we have been eating these nuts everyday. As I could not find my nutcracker, I used a pestle to crack open the walnuts and the gals have so much fun eating the walnuts. And by the way, do you know that walnuts and almonds are the superstars of nuts?

Walnuts contain no cholestrol and they are rich in Vitamin E, antioxidants, high in fibre and even a small serving of walnuts contain more protein than an egg. Have you ever noticed that a walnut looks exactly like our brain? Walnuts are also touted as a brain and heart nourishing food as they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. If you're on a high protein low carb diet, do choose walnuts and almonds (raw and unroasted ones. If you buy roasted ones, these nuts would have lost their essential oils during the roasting process). Walnuts and almonds fill you up easily and they're not fattening if you eat them in moderate amounts. When I was on a diet years ago to shed some weight gained as a result of PCOS, I ate loads of almonds, walnuts, seeds and plain sugar-free yoghurt. I successfully shed 5kg on a low carb high protein diet. And oh yes, no diet would work if you don't exercise!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nuts Over Nuts

From left to right : Raw organic brazil nuts, raw white pumpkin seeds, raw organic green pumpkin seeds, Menglembu groundnuts and raw almonds.

That's my stock of nuts and seeds. Since I am on a high protein and low carb diet, nuts and seeds are the best and most convenient snacks to munch on to rid myself of hunger pangs. Nuts and seeds are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin B, zinc, fibre, magnesium, protein, selenium, iron, phosphorus, etc. etc. However eating too much may cause gout as they are high in protein. Since I am on a high protein diet, I drink juice from half a lemon every morning as lemon juice is known to neutralize uric acid (caused by protein). Yup, i kid you not, i am a real health nut and i am nuts over nuts.