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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Green Fingers

I seem to have green fingers 👩🏻‍🌾 as I recently realized that almost all the seeds and plants that I tend to grow pretty well!

It all started a few years ago when, out of curiosity, I threw a handful of papaya seeds from a Solo Papaya into an empty flower pot with soil in my tiny condo balcony, just to see if the seeds would sprout. A couple of weeks later, I noticed tiny green plants sprouting out from the soil. I was thrilled! And several months later, the papaya tree grew into a  meter tall with healthy looking leaves. That's when the mil suggested discarding the plant as there was no way a papaya tree could thrive and bear fruit, growing from inside a tiny flower pot in a tiny condo balcony. I didn't have the heart to throw the papaya tree away and I gave it to the girls' grand uncle who lives in a semi-detached house with a huge garden.

When I was back at my parents in Ipoh slightly over a year ago, I brought home some saplings of various herbs taken from their garden. When we were back in KL, Drama Queen helped to plant the saplings into flower pots.  I watered the plants diligently every day, talked to them lovingly and even pat them gently. And they thrived! My Indian Borage plant is thriving very healthily and beautifully and I swear by its effectiveness in treating cough and phlegm. I'd thank the Indian Borage plant each time I pluck leaves from its stem to chew to treat a cough or remove phlegm.

A year ago at a church fund-raising bazaar, Cass begged me to buy a potted plant. Cass and Drama Queen are avid gardeners and plant lovers. We bought a Prosperity Flower plant for RM20 and the church member who sold the plant to us gave us a Spider Plant for free.

When we first bought the Prosperity Flower plant, it was a measly looking plant with only 3 leaves. 3 frigging small leaves that didn't look like it was ever going to bear flowers or anymore leaves. But we watered the plants diligently everyday and our Prosperity Flower plant prospered!  Cass and I  rejoiced each time a new leaf shot out. We didn't really think that our plant would bear flowers until several days ago when I spotted tiny dark pink buds sprouting out!  From a miserable looking plant with only 3 leaves (with some of the leaves turning yellow and dropped), our Prosperity Flower plant prospered after a year. We are SO happy and enamoured!

Our Spider Plant is thriving well too. With only a few leaves when we first brought it home from church, the flower pot is now full of leaves and looking very pretty.

Left: our Spider Plant and right: our Prosperity Flower with pink flower buds sprouting. This picture was taken a week ago.

Picture of our Prosperity Flower plant taken today and the buds have grown longer. It is beautiful in my eyes, simply because I tended to it with TLC from a 3-leaf plant to a budding plant for over a year with no fertilizer ~ only lots of clean water, sunlight and TLC.

These are my mum's Prosperity Flowers in her garden and she is super proud of them. I wish mine will prosper like them too!