Do you realize that as we age, we become more mindful about what we put into our mouths? I am not sure about you but it sure is the case for me as I age.
When I was a young girl, I couldn't be bothered with what went into my body. I was addicted to chocolates, candies, white flour products, chips, packet snacks, ham, sausages, bacon, burgers, fast food, deep fried food and fizzy drinks. I hated to drink plain water and being a kid, I didn't know the dangers of stuffing my body with junk. In those days in the 1970s through 1990s, no one was really bothered. Cancer was hardly heard of. People just had fewer diseases. My brothers and I played outdoors a lot, every single day.
When I was a young working adult, I was still not concerned about eating clean. Well, I was not aware yet of the importance of eating clean. I had an endless stash of junk food in my office drawer. I was the junk food 'supplier' to my beloved colleagues. I had candies, sweets, biscuits, chips and a whole load of rubbish in the drawer, perpetually. Gawd, why did I even do that? It would take years to get rid of the remnants of these junk and gunk from my body. I am glad that I have found Izumio to help zap away all the toxins and free radicals from my system.
It was only when I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in late 2000 which caused me unexplainable weight gain, acne and the most significant of all, infertility, that my whole life made an about turn, for the better. It was only then that I did a lot of research on PCOS. What I gathered from the internet propelled me to make a 360 degree change in my lifestyle. I incorporated exercise in my daily life and went on a low-carb diet. Junk food was almost totally eliminated from my life.
Now that I am in my 40s and have genetic high cholesterol, I made a decision to be a flexitarian, i.e. my diet is mostly vegetarian and I eat very little meat. I try to eat clean on most days but there will be cheat days where I allow myself to indulge in my favorite sinful food, moderately.
Thankfully I have a very health conscious MIL who stays with us. She whips up only healthy food, consisting mainly of vegetables.
Below is one of our regular dinners at home, with vegetables-centered dishes.
Braised organic Japanese pumpkin with chicken slices, blanched lady fingers, French bean omelette and steamed fish with ginger, soy sauce and fried garlic.
All these are simple dishes yet I thoroughly enjoy them. We hardly have deep fried food and keep processed food to the minimal in our larder :)