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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The All-Nighters of an Architecture Student

Sherilyn pulled yet another all-nighter yesterday, this time to finish several sketches of buildings for her architecture course. It amazes me how much drawing and crafting is required in this program—it’s almost as if she’s pursuing an art degree! Last night, she sat in darkness at the dining table, meticulously working on her LED light drawing board, sketching away until the early morning hours. When I woke up and turned the lights on, she moved to the wet kitchen, continuing to draw in the dark, relying on the soft glow of her LED board.

Again, with her eyes fixed on her sketching, her phone played continuous streams of Trevor Noah’s standup comedy shows, giving her a much-needed dose of entertainment and laughs to get through the grueling hours. 

I’m not even sure if she slept at all. Her bed looked neat when I checked, but I suspect she may have snuck in a short nap on the couch—poor girl. The pace of assignments in her course is relentless, notorious for back-to-back submissions, and it seems to push students to the edge of exhaustion. I sometimes wonder how sustainable this is for her health.

As much as I worry about the toll it’s taking on her, I can’t help but notice how it’s affecting me too. After each of these all-nighters, there’s always a mess left behind—pencil shavings, bits of paper, rattan, eraser shavings, and smudges on the tables and floors. While Sherilyn is off rushing to submit her assignments, I find myself cleaning up the aftermath, my hands growing rougher from all the scrubbing.

I truly hope all these sleepless nights don’t harm her health in the long run. The stress, the exhaustion, and the constant rush of deadlines—it’s a heavy load for anyone to carry. But for now, it’s part of her journey, and I’ll continue to support her the best I can, even if it means rougher hands and more cleaning up after her creative storms.

Sitting in the wet kitchen in darkness and the only light comes from the LED lights of her drawing board and the fire from the stove.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Life of a First-Year Architecture Student

Sherilyn is back to her busy university routine, and it's been a whirlwind since she started her first year of architecture studies. In less than a month, she’s already deep into back-to-back assignments, and this week has been particularly intense. Several all-nighters were pulled to meet deadlines, but Tuesday was a whole new level of commitment—or rather, sleep deprivation.

That day, she sat at our dining table for almost 24 hours straight, working meticulously on a series of models made from rattan and hard cardboard. With her eyes fixed on her craft, her laptop played continuous streams of Josh Johnson’s standup comedy shows, giving her a much-needed distraction to get through the grueling hours. It was fascinating to watch how she balanced concentration on her work with the humor of Josh Johnson playing in the background. 

By the end of those long 24 hours with zero shut eye, Sherilyn finally completed her models and rushed off to university to submit her assignment, leaving behind what I dread the most—the aftermath. Unwashed dishes, a cluttered dining table, and dirty floors were left for me to tackle. But I suppose this is going to be the scene in our house for the next three years, at least until she graduates.

Despite the mess and the sleepless nights, I remind myself that these sacrifices will eventually pay off. Seeing Sherilyn work so hard toward her degree makes me proud, and I know that watching her succeed will make all of this worthwhile. I’ll keep cleaning up after her as long as it means she’s one step closer to reaching her goals and graduating with success.

Intricate designs - the top two models were cut from long strips of rattan sticks and glued together.

Drawing on an LED drawing pad in a dark room; Messy dining table. Everyone at home has to bear with a super messy table almost every day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Never-Ending Battle of Picking Up Hair: A Frustrated Mom’s Rant

If you're a mother with daughters, you're probably all too familiar with this infuriating and exasperating task: picking up hair from every corner of the house. No matter how many times I remind my daughters to clean up after themselves, it feels like their "selective forgetfulness" kicks in. Whether it's after brushing their hair or using a hair dryer, there are always strands left behind—on pillows, bedding, the floor, toilet seat, tables, and chairs. It drives me up the wall!

Every day, I find myself with a lint roller in hand, tediously rolling off hair from every surface. The frustration comes when I remind them to pick up their hair, and they nod and say "OK," but nothing changes. The next day, I see the same mess, and their excuse is always the same: "I forgot," or "I had to rush to school." I know it’s selective forgetfulness, and it’s frustrating beyond words.

As a mom who’s on the OCD side, it’s exhausting having to clean up after them constantly. I’m tired of rolling hair off every surface in the house, only to be greeted by the same mess the very next hour. How do other moms deal with this level of irresponsibility in their kids? How do you get them to take simple tasks like cleaning up their hair seriously? 😐

If you’ve figured out how to get your daughters to clean up after their own mess, I’d love to hear your secret. But for now, I’ll keep rolling away, hoping one day it clicks for them!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Why I Now Support My Daughters Getting the HPV Vaccine: A Change of Heart

Yesterday, I received a WhatsApp message from Alycia telling me that some healthcare personnel visited her university, offering free HPV vaccines to female students. Since she hadn't taken the HPV jab before, she decided to get it. Years ago, I advised Alycia and Sherilyn to skip the free HPV vaccines offered at school. At that time, the research I found didn’t convince me that it was necessary, and I felt uneasy about the possible side effects.

However, as time passed, and after further conversations with my gynecologist and conducting updated research, my perspective on the HPV vaccine shifted. I became more confident in its importance, particularly in preventing cervical cancer and other HPV-related diseases. Earlier this year, Cass took the HPV vaccine, and now Alycia has as well.

What’s even more interesting is the recent change in HPV vaccine guidelines. Previously, the vaccine was administered in three doses, which deterred me initially. However, recent findings led the World Health Organization (WHO) to revise their HPV vaccine recommendations, supporting a single-dose regimen in many cases. The Pan-American Health Organization followed this guidance in September 2023, and by February 2024, 37 countries had adopted this new approach. This means that both Cass and Alycia only need one dose instead of three, a big win in terms of convenience and protection.

Alycia also mentioned that the free vaccines were sponsored by the National Cancer Society of Malaysia. This is a big deal because if we had to get the vaccine outside of this initiative, it could easily cost several thousand ringgit. I’ve also told Sherilyn that if the National Cancer Society visits her university to offer the free vaccine, she should take it too.

I’m grateful that my daughters now have access to this crucial protection without the burden of high costs. I feel more confident about this decision, and I’m relieved that they are on track to be protected against the risks of HPV. If you have daughters and are on the fence like I once was, I encourage you to speak to your healthcare provider and do your own research. The more informed we are, the better we can protect our loved ones.

Monday, October 7, 2024

My Favorite Healthy Dessert: Chia Seed Pudding

One of my go-to healthy desserts is chia seed pudding, which I enjoy every other day. It’s a simple, delicious, and nutritious way to satisfy my sweet tooth. My favorite version is made with coconut milk and palm sugar. With 3 to 4 tablespoons of soaked chia seeds, I mix in a squirt of trim coconut milk and drizzle it with Gula Melaka (palm sugar) syrup. On other days, I switch things up by adding soaked chia seeds to a bowl of skinny yogurt, which is sugar- and additive-free with a squirt of palm sugar syrup. For a creamier texture, I sometimes add a spoonful or two of Greek yogurt to the bowl of skinny yogurt. On days when I am too busy to enjoy my chia seed dessert, I will quickly stir in two tablespoons of soaked chia seeds into my morning beverage of organic almond milk with flax seeds meal.

Why Chia Seeds Are So Healthy

Chia seeds are a true superfood, packed with nutrients despite their tiny size. They are an excellent source of fiber, which helps prevent constipation by promoting regular bowel movements. The fiber also aids digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer, making chia seeds great for weight management. Additionally, chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health, and they contain important minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, essential for bone health. Plus, they’re a good source of plant-based protein.

This simple chia seed pudding is tasty and provides a powerful health boost, keeping my digestion smooth and my body energized. Whether paired with coconut milk or yogurt or added to my healthy beverage, chia seeds make a versatile and satisfying dessert!

Simple chia seeds pudding - soaked chia seeds with trim coconut milk and Gula Melaka syrup. Mix everything up and enjoy it chilled. This tastes like sago pudding with coconut milk and Gula Melaka syrup.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sleepless Nights with Haru

Last night was another one of those nights where sleep evaded me, thanks to Haru. Though it doesn’t happen frequently, it does happen. 

In the wee hours of this morning, she persistently meowed outside my bedroom door. I tried to ignore it, but after several minutes of her insistent calls, I eventually caved in and opened the door to let her in.

Once inside, she made herself comfortable by jumping onto my bed. This has happened more than a few times now, and I’m still trying to figure out whether she’s just hungry or if her meowing is her way of checking to ensure I’m still alive and well. 

After settling on the bed, Haru began scratching at my blanket. I stopped her immediately, knowing exactly what she wanted—to crawl under the blanket to be nearer to me. It’s sweet, but I have reasons for being uncomfortable with this. As much as I love Haru, I’m allergic to her fur, and having her nestled under the covers with me would only worsen my allergies.

She seemed a bit disappointed when I didn’t let her under the blanket, but she stayed on the bed for a short while before eventually jumping off and walking out of the room. I felt a little guilty as she left, but I know I have to draw boundaries when it comes to sleep.  She walked away perhaps she was convinced that I was still alive 😺

As a cat owner, I adore Haru’s company and her little quirks, but when it comes to bedtime, I just can’t relax knowing she’s on the bed, especially under the blanket. I’ll always cherish our moments together, but for the sake of a good night’s sleep and my health, I’ll have to keep working on finding a balance!

My soul cat likes to sit on this stool near the bathroom and wait for me to come out.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Benefits of Kinesiology Tape: Why It’s Used by Athletes and My Family

Kinesiology tape, commonly known as KT tape, has gained immense popularity, especially among athletes, including Olympians, who use it to alleviate pain and support muscle recovery. It has become such a staple in sports medicine that even in my household, KT tape is a permanent fixture on my daughters' bodies—almost like colorful tattoos.

Sherilyn uses it for her back injury from dance training, while Cass applies it to her ankle to support her during figure skating.  Recently, I’ve started using KT tape on my right hand in an attempt to manage the nagging pain from tennis elbow.

Kinesiology tape is a thin, flexible tape developed to aid muscle movement and enhance athletic performance. It is often used to relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and provide support to joints and muscles.

Many Olympians and top athletes swear by KT tape because it helps reduce pain without hindering their performance. One of the primary benefits of KT tape is its ability to lift the skin slightly, which increases blood circulation and reduces inflammation. By doing this, it also helps to alleviate pressure on muscles and joints, which can be especially useful for athletes pushing their bodies to the limit.

In my household, Sherilyn, Cass, and hubby use KT tape regularly. Sherilyn applies it to her back, an injury sustained from dance training a few years ago that still hasn’t fully healed. The KT tape provides her with enough support to continue her rigorous dance routines without aggravating the injury. Cass, on the other hand, uses KT tape on her ankle, which has seen persistent strain from figure skating classes. The tape gives her the stability she needs on the ice without compromising her performance. Hubby uses these tapes on his legs and right hand.  He plays basketball regularly and often has injuries on his legs. He, like me, also has a tennis elbow on his right hand.

Recently, I’ve joined my daughters and hubby in the KT tape trend. I’ve been dealing with tennis elbow, a stubbornly persistent condition. The pain makes even simple tasks, like lifting objects or folding a blanket, a challenge. Applying KT tape to my right hand has provided some relief, though it’s not a cure-all. However, the support it gives me has helped me manage everyday movements and reduce strain.

KT tapes sold in pharmacies are very expensive, about RM50 onwards for a roll of 5cm x 5m tape.  I buy these tapes at a fraction of the price online from Lazada, at around RM15 a roll. These tapes come in many bright and attractive colors, as well as nude. I prefer colorful ones as I love anything that's colorful.

KT tapes sold at one of the pharmacies @ Lazada, which are pretty expensive.

Cheaper KT tapes are sold by other sellers on Lazada. I bought these.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Cuddles, Laughter, and Fake Eyelashes

Whenever Sherilyn comes home, her first instinct is always the same—she goes on a mission to find our beloved cat, Haru. Without fail, she picks her up and gives her the biggest cuddle, kisses her, and squeezing her tight as though Haru were a plush toy. Poor Haru, being the independent and non-affectionate cat that she is, barely tolerates this for a minute before squeezing her way out of Sherilyn’s arms. Haru has never been a fan of extended cuddles, preferring her personal space and short moments of affection. But Sherilyn, filled with love and excitement after a long day, can never resist showering her with more attention than Haru can handle.

Last week, after Sherilyn's win at the Asia Open Dance Championship, where she secured the gold medal in the modern contemporary (solo) event for her age group, she came home in an exceptionally good mood. She removed her fake eyelashes from the competition and, still buzzing with happiness, decided to goof around with Haru. In her playful state, she attached the fake eyelashes to Haru’s eyes, and we both burst into laughter at the sight. Haru looked absolutely hilarious, but her expression clearly showed her confusion at being the center of this little joke. I felt bad for her after a few minutes and asked Sherilyn to quickly take the fake eyelashes off.

Despite our antics, Haru remains the heart of our home. Her calm presence and adorable loafing around the house bring us so much joy, even when we’re in a bad mood. There are days when I find myself feeling frustrated or upset about something, but Haru’s quiet charm and comforting aura instantly ease the tension. It’s as if she knows exactly how to diffuse my anger and calm my nerves.

Haru may not love long cuddles or too much fuss, but she brings a special kind of warmth into our lives.  We can’t help but spoil our little fur baby, even when it means accidentally subjecting her to a few minutes of fake eyelash drama! 😆

We love Haru so much, and it’s a joy to have her loafing around the house, being her quiet, intelligent self. She's the little glue that keeps our home filled with laughter and peace.

Still groggy from being woken up from her sleep, Haru didn't resist the silly fake eyelashes stuck to her eyes by her sister.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

12 September 2024 ~ Random Updates

Apologies for the lack of updates over the past week! As usual, I've been swamped with writing assignments and running errands, and things have been even more hectic since Maria, our part-time helper, is expecting and hasn't been feeling well. She hasn't come in the past week, and with my mother-in-law back from England, there's been a hive of activities in the kitchen again. She loves cooking, which means even more work for me.  She cooks, and I clean up.

Unfortunately, all this extra workload isn’t doing my right hand any favors, as the pain from my Tennis Elbow has gotten worse. I first developed it back in April, after my trip to Bangkok with Alycia. It's been five months now with no sign of improvement. Every movement with my right-hand hurts so much that even lifting a blanket to fold it is a challenge. Getting out of bed is pure torture, and I've had to rely on my stomach muscles just to sit up. My bed for the past five months has been unkempt with an unfolded blanket. Even brushing my teeth a little harder hurts my right hand.

Alycia and Sherilyn, on the other hand, are thoroughly enjoying their semester breaks. Alycia just returned from Taiwan on Tuesday, and in a month, she’ll be off to South Korea with another friend. Sherilyn has been keeping herself busy with dancing and just finished competing in the Get The Beat dance competition yesterday, where she won gold in the Hip Hop category for her age group and Double Platinum in the Contemporary category. This Saturday, she’ll be competing in the Asia Open Dance Championship. She’s a bundle of energy, always on the go and thriving in competitions. I’m amazed by how much joy she finds in staying active and pushing herself.

Sherilyn at the Get The Beat dance competition on 11 Sept 2024. 

As for Cass, her school holidays begin this Saturday, which, to be honest, is a bit of bad news for me. She’s another one who can’t stay at home with nothing to do, so I expect she’ll be spending most of her week-long holiday at the skating rink, which I’m perfectly fine with. At least I’ll get some very, very much-needed peace at home!

Here are some of the pix that Alycia sent to me that she took in Taiwan with her university mates.

Traveling on the train from Taipei to Tainan.

Some of the streets in Taiwan look similar to those in Japan.

In Tainan

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Two Heart-Stopping Scares, Courtesy of Haru!

Today, Haru, my mischievous fur baby, gave me not one but two heart-stopping scares! She’s not usually mischievous, but today, she took things to a whole new level. It was like she decided to put my patience and nerves to the ultimate test. Here’s what happened:

The first scare happened in the kitchen when Cass got home from school. We were reheating her lunch, and I had left a glass container with chicken on the counter. Little did I know that Haru was stealthily plotting her next move. As I turned my back to put the food in the microwave, Haru struck. With her ninja-like agility, she jumped up to the counter and snatched a big piece of chicken—bones and all!

Before I could even react, Haru darted under the island table, growling like a feral dog with her prize in her mouth. I panicked. Chicken bones can be dangerous for cats, and I was terrified she might swallow a sharp piece and hurt herself. I shouted at Haru, but she was determined to hold on to her stolen treasure and growled away simultaneously.

Cass wanted to pull Haru out from under the table, but I quickly stopped her. Haru, in her possessive state, might lash out, and the last thing I wanted was for her to bite Cass. While I was desperately trying to coax Haru out, I could hear the ominous sound of crackling bones as she began to chew on the chicken. My heart sank.

Thinking fast, I grabbed some chicken breast (her absolute favorite) and placed it in her bowl, hoping it would lure her out. Thankfully, it worked! Haru came out, and I swiftly took the dangerous chicken away and discarded it. Crisis averted! She eagerly gulped down the chicken breast, completely unaware of the chaos she had just caused. Honestly, Haru is crazy about chicken breasts. I had already given her some earlier, but when it comes to her favorite food, she doesn’t seem to know when to stop.

Later in the day, the second scare happened. I couldn’t find Haru anywhere in the house. Maria, our part-time maid, had stepped out briefly to throw the garbage in the refuse chamber, and I panicked, thinking Haru might have run out. Maria and I searched frantically, calling for her, shaking her can of kibbles, and knocking her bowl, all the usual tricks that would bring Haru running. But this time, there was no response.

For about five minutes, we were searching everywhere, and I was convinced Haru had either escaped or worse. My mind went wild with thoughts—had she climbed into the washing machine without me noticing and I had started the washing machine? Or could she have crawled into the garbage bag in search of chicken and been thrown out by Maria? My imagination was running in overdrive.

Just as I was about to lose hope, Haru finally emerged from her hiding place. Relief washed over me, but I couldn’t help but scold her for giving me such a fright. It’s a wonder how such a small creature can cause so much stress in a single day!

In one day, Haru gave me two massive scares. I truly hope these heart-stopping incidents won’t become a regular occurrence!

Naughty baby. Alycia bought this cat cap for Haru.  Did I tell you that Alycia is one of Haru's favorite humans besides her dad?  From someone terrified of cats and furry animals, Alycia has now overcome her phobia of cats. She loves Haru 💓

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sunday Feasts: A Meaty Lunch and a Family Reunion

Last Sunday was a day filled with delicious food and family gatherings. For lunch, we decided to try out a new spot called Meat Attic. The menu was packed with hearty, meaty options, so we went all out and ordered their house-made sausages, a ciabatta beef sandwich, premium pork ribs that melt in the mouth (which came with a hefty RM168 price tag), and roast pork fried rice. It was a truly indulgent, porky feast—definitely not the cheapest lunch, but worth every bite.

Later that evening, we gathered with hubby's relatives for dinner at Buddies Restaurant in Cheras. His uncle's family, who were visiting from England, were the guests of honor, and it was wonderful to see everyone come together. The entire Sunday was filled with great food and even better company, making it a day to remember.

Meat Attic - Roast premium pork ribs that melt in the mouth alongside sauerkraut and fries (RM168). It looks like a small portion in the photo but the ribs were pretty chunky. We couldn't finish it and doggy-bagged the leftovers.

Meat Attic - roast pork fried rice.

Meat Attic - Ciabatta sandwich with full-bodied and flaky thick-cut salt beef.

Meat Attic - housemade garlic sausage with sauerkraut. 

Meat Attic - scallop pasta.

Meat Attic - mashed potato

Meat Attic housemade sausages. Their sausages are nitrate-free and filler-free, from plumply juicy pork bratwursts to aromatic lamb merguez.

Buddies Restaurant - pan-fried prawns, sauteed assorted vegetables, braised eggplant with minced pork, clay pot braised pork belly with salted fish.

Steamed fish, fried rice, sauteed kangkung with belacan, and pork ribs.

Claypot lamb, cha siu, and another portion of claypot pork belly with salted fish for the boys.

Hubby with his cousins from England and another cousin who just returned from the USA.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My First Attempt at Cooking Rice in a Pressure Cooker: A Lesson Learned

Not too long ago, I decided to try cooking rice in my Philips pressure cooker for the first time. I chose black rice and added two sweet potatoes to the pot, thinking it would make a nutritious and delicious meal. I selected the “Rice” setting on the pressure cooker and waited for the cycle to complete.

When the cycle was done, I eagerly removed the lid, only to be greeted by an unexpected sight—a sticky, doughy paste instead of the fluffy rice I had envisioned. It was completely inedible. I realized I had likely added too much water, which caused the rice to overcook and turn into a mushy mess. That wasn’t the first time I cooked black rice with sweet potato together. It always turned out well in the rice cooker.

Determined not to waste the food, I decided to cook it for another cycle, hoping to salvage the rice. Unfortunately, the result was even worse than before. In the end, I had no choice but to discard the sticky rice. Since the girls were in a hurry to eat, they ended up having the dishes without any rice.

After this mishap, I’ve learned my lesson: I don’t think I’ll be using the pressure cooker to cook rice again. From now on, I’ll stick to a proper rice cooker for perfect, fluffy rice every time.

Looks disgusting but tastes like some kind of sweet potato kuih.  I actually ate quite a bit of it 😁

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Celebrating Papa’s 81st Birthday at Grand Imperial Restaurant @ BSC

After more than five years, our family gathered once again to celebrate Papa’s 81st birthday. The last time we were all together for his birthday was back in 2019, or maybe 2018. I can't remember. This year, we decided to mark the occasion with a memorable dinner at the Grand Imperial Restaurant @ BSC, a choice that turned out to be perfect in every way.

A Joyous Reunion

The night was filled with excitement as we came together to honor Papa on his special day.  Seeing all of Papa’s children and grandchildren in one place was truly heartwarming, a moment we had all been looking forward to.

A Feast Fit for a King

The menu for the evening was carefully chosen to include some of Papa’s favorite dishes, and the Grand Imperial Restaurant did not disappoint. The meal began with a 3-season platter, featuring a delightful assortment of especial appetizers that whetted our appetites for what was to come.

Next came the highlight of the evening, the suckling pig. This wasn’t just any suckling pig; it came with a playful twist. The pig was adorned with sunglasses and a cigarette, and when the waiter lit up the pebbles on the plate, there was fire which created a dramatic cloud of smoke, making it look like the pig was puffing the ciggie. It was a fun and unique presentation that brought smiles and laughter to the table. I didn't manage to snap a photo of the pig on fire as everyone was too mesmerized watching the 30-second spectacle.

We were then treated to a luxurious dish of braised abalone with sea cucumber and mushrooms. The abalone was tender and flavorful, complemented perfectly by the rich sauce and the earthy mushrooms. 

The steamed New Zealand orange roughy fish that followed was cooked to perfection, its delicate flavor enhanced by the light soy sauce and fragrant herbs. The fish was so fresh that it practically melted in our mouths.

No birthday celebration is complete without longevity noodles, and ours were served with a generous helping of seafood. The noodles were long and unbroken, symbolizing a wish for a long and healthy life for Papa.

Sweet Endings

For dessert, we enjoyed a traditional red bean tong sui and crispy Chinese pancake. The warm, sweet red bean soup was comforting, while the pancake added a delightful crunch to the end of our meal. Of course, there were also the customary longevity peach buns, a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.

Papa’s birthday cake was a moist chocolate cake from Alexis Bistro, his favorite. Papa has always been a fan of chocolate cakes, and this one was no exception. The rich, velvety chocolate was a hit with everyone. In addition to the chocolate cake, hubby surprised us with a jelly cake featuring auspicious dolls of the God of Longevity, gold ingot, and longevity peaches made of jelly. The intricate design and vibrant colors of the jelly cake were impressive, and it tasted as good as it looked.

A Night to Remember

The food at the Grand Imperial Restaurant was fantastic, each dish was prepared to perfection and served with impeccable timing. The service was outstanding, with the staff attentive to our every need. They played a significant role in making the evening special, ensuring that everything went smoothly.

But more than the food and the setting, what made the night truly special was the company of family. We laughed, shared stories, and created new memories together. 

As we sang “Happy Birthday” and watched Papa blow out the candles on his cake, we couldn’t help but feel grateful for this moment. Celebrating Papa’s 81st birthday was a beautiful experience, one that will be cherished for years to come.

We are already looking forward to the next family gathering and hope it won’t be another five years before we all come together again. Here’s to many more birthdays, celebrations, and moments of happiness with Papa and the entire family.

Photos were taken from my mum's Facebook page:

Sharkfins soup served individually.

Chocolate birthday cake from Alexis Bistro, Jelly cake, and longevity peach buns.

Yummy jelly cake.

Birthday boy feeding his darling.

Papa gave out ang pows to everyone at the dinner, including my mil. 
Second photo on the top right - papa and Mum shared a piece of cake with their mouths 😍

Self-Care – 5 Simple Ways To Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Self-care is a conscious act that you take to keep yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually healthy.  Self-care includes a multitude of practices and activities that you enjoy that can promote your physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental health. It can be as simple as taking care of your hygiene, prioritizing skincare and nutrition, and engaging in sports and leisure activities to doing things that bring you joy such as baking, going to a spa, and shopping.

When self-care is present in your life, you will be able to manage stress better, thus you will be a happier and healthier person. Practicing self-care can be hard as many of us are busy with our jobs, taking care of our family, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Getting started with self-care can be challenging and the key is to take the time and effort to get started and stick to the routine.

 Here are 5 simple ways to get started with your self-care routine.

 1.  Prioritize Sleep

Good sleep hygiene is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. Getting sufficient sleep every day can put you in a better mood, and make you a happier person, and your immune system will reap this benefit.  Sleep services all aspects of our body in one way or another, so try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.  A well-rested body and mind are better prepared to handle life’s stressors and challenges.


2.  Skincare For Self-Care

Prioritizing skincare is self-care for better mental health & holistic wellness.  When you have great skin, you feel happier and more confident. Develop a skincare regimen twice a day. De-stress your skin and take care of your eyes.  After a long and stressful day at work, let your walls down and mask up. Incorporating a heated eye mask into your bedtime routine can help you unwind and fall into slumber faster.  Ditoi steam eye masks are infused with tranquilizing scents like rose and lavender to enhance the relaxation experience that lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. This steam eye mask can fix puffy eyes or dark undereye circles and put a sparkle back in your eyes.



3.  Exercise

Incorporating regular exercise into your routine can be a transformative act of self-care for which your mind and body will be thankful. Exercises like jogging, running, swimming, strength training, and yoga contribute to better overall physical health, better weight, and reduced risk of getting diseases.


4.  Eat Right and Clean

One of the best self-care things you can do is eat healthy. A balanced diet should include a variety of foods from all the major food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. Load your plate with self-care foods such as fatty fish, berries, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates such as sweet potato, pumpkin, and oats.


5. Get Outside

Sometimes when you're too overwhelmed with work and caring for your family, all you need to do is to get outside and be alone, for at least an hour.  Research has shown that being outside and experiencing nature can improve our mental health and increase our ability to focus. Nature's scenes can calm your nerves and help you overcome symptoms of depression.


Self-care is not selfish.  Focusing on what makes you feel nourished and happy is part of mitigating stress, misery, and anxiety. Whether it is through exercise, splurging on a meal, winding down the day with a luxurious steam eye mask, or watching a romantic comedy, know that self-care is loving yourself and no one can help you with it except yourself.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Do You Need To Pack A Travel Towel?

It may sound quite silly and impractical to pack a towel when you travel as it takes up quite a bit of precious space in your luggage bag. After all, most hotels provide towels, unless you’re booking a cheap Air BNB or budget hotel and for the price, towels are not provided. Some people still like having their own towels when they travel because hotel towels may be harsh and not 100% clean. Imagine using a towel that was previously been used by hundreds of people and you wouldn’t even want to know what they used the towel to wipe besides their bodies!

The best solution that balances comfort with practicality is to bring disposable travel face towels and lightweight travel towels. Or you could pack an old medium-sized terry towel and discard the towel when you check out from the hotel at the end of your holiday.

So what are the best towels to pack when you travel?

1.  Microfiber travel towel

Microfiber towels are made of soft polyester and nylon microfiber. Some microfiber towels are treated with an antimicrobial chemical to reduce odor retention. They dry very quickly and are extremely resistant.

A microfiber travel towel takes up less than 1/3 the space of a regular towel and will fit into even a small backpack. Get a good quality microfiber travel towel that dries out completely in as little as 30 minutes.

Cheap microfiber towels are not very absorbent and even though they wipe off water from your hair and body, they don’t completely absorb the moisture, thus making you feel like you are still damp from head to toe. If you travel often, get a good quality lint-free, and lightweight microfiber towel, designed for traveling.

2.  Disposable travel face towels

Disposable travel face towels are great for traveling as they can be used to dry your face after washing, excellent for wiping sweat and dirt off your face and body, and general cleaning throughout the travel.

Disposable travel face towels from Ditoi Beauty are made with 100% biodegradable natural fibers that will not irritate the delicate skin on your face. These soft and durable cleaning towelettes with no fragrance and no added chemical or fluorescent dye are suitable for all skin types, especially for people with sensitive skin who may find regular towels too harsh. Regular towels can also leave behind lint and fibers on your skin after wash, which can clog pores and cause skin issues. 


3.  Linen towel

Linen travel towels are just as good as microfiber towels. They absorb water well, dry quickly, and are not as bulky as regular terry towels, making them ideal for travel.


It is entirely up to you whether you want to pack a travel towel or use hotel towels when you’re on holiday.  Pack a lightweight microfiber travel towel if you feel more comfortable using your own towel or pack an old medium-sized terry towel that you could leave behind when you check out from the hotel. Don’t forget to pack some disposable travel face towels as they’re so versatile they can be used to wipe anything.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pre-Birthday Celebration For Dad

Thursday, 8 August 2024

This past week, my family gathered in Kuala Lumpur for a special occasion: my dad’s 81st birthday. It was a rare opportunity for our family to come together, with my parents traveling from Ipoh and my older brother’s family joining us from Singapore. They arrived on Thursday, ready for a few days of celebration, great food, and cherished memories.

For our first dinner together, we went to Fatty Chun Restaurant at Old Klang Road. Known for its “tai chow” style cooking, this semi-al fresco restaurant never failed to deliver delicious dishes. The ambiance might be casual, but the food tasted like it came from a high-end eatery.

We ordered eight different dishes:

1. Steamed Village Chicken 

2. Steamed Egg 

3. Deep-Fried Yam Basket 

4. Stir-Fried Stinky Beans 

5. Steamed 

6. Stir-Fried Green Vegetables 

7. Stir-Fried Lala 

8. Braised Egg with Prawn Meat and Broccoli 

To top off the meal, we had a unique dessert of deep-fried yam sticks with caramelized sesame seeds. The dessert was not only unique but also incredibly delicious, providing a sweet and crunchy finish to our meal. This dessert came on the house.

Our favorite steamed village chicken with ginger paste dipping sauce.

Deep-fried yam basket with koo lo yoke (sweet and sour pork).

Steamed chicken egg + century egg.

Stir-fried stinky beans

Stir-fried lala

My favorite braised egg white with prawn and crab meat alongside broccoli.

Steamed fish.

On the house dessert - deep-fried yam sticks with caramelized sesame seeds.

Friday, 9 August 2024

The next morning, we headed to Bread & Brew Café for breakfast. This newly opened café in Taman Desa has a sprawling layout and a menu that caters to various tastes. We indulged in a range of breakfast items:

Sourdough Toasts with Caramel Kaya and Butter – The caramel kaya was rich and aromatic, a delightful way to start the morning.

Scrambled Egg with Sourdough Toasts – Classic and comforting, this dish was a crowd-pleaser.

House-made Mushroom Soup – Creamy and flavorful with plenty of chopped mushrooms in every spoon, perfect for the slightly cooler morning.

Caesar Salad with fried chicken breast – Fresh, crisp, and flavorful, a light option among the heavier dishes.

Cinnamon French Toast with Raspberry Puree and Bacon Served with Pistachio Cream – A unique mouthwatering combination of sweet and savory.

Avocado Toast – Toast served with pureed avocado, baby spinach, sunny side up, and feta cheese.

Coffee – Rich and aromatic, a perfect accompaniment to our breakfast spread.

We thoroughly enjoyed the food and the relaxed atmosphere at Bread & Brew Café. It was the perfect setting for a leisurely breakfast with my loved ones. 

Our dinner was at Haidilao hotpot in Bangsar. Hubby chose Haidilao as he wanted my parents to experience the top-notch service of the waiting staff with an element of surprise each time, something that Haidilao is famous for. Their crew singing and dancing for the birthday boy or girl with a slice of complimentary chocolate cake is also why many people choose Haidilao to celebrate their birthdays. 

Sourdough toast with avocado puree, baby spinach, sunny side up, and feta cheese

Crispy sourdough toast with caramel kaya and butter. Simple and satisfying.

Sawadeekap omelette with sourdough toast. This is a Thai-style omelette. 

Caesar salad with crispy fried chicken breast.

Cinnamon French toast with raspberry puree and bacon with pistachio cream.

House-made mushroom soup with croutons

My younger brother treated us!