For over 3 weeks, I have been expressing my milk and pouring them down the sink.... another big heartache. I feel it's such a waste. I even asked the nurses if they knew of any patients (babies and toddlers) who needed breastmilk but all the patients in the pediatric ward were on formula. Each time the Sister came and saw me expressing, she commented on how wasteful it was that I had to throw my breast milk away. She suggested that I drank the milk myself and know what? I took her suggestion and drank it!!! Gross hor? I know, I know, it's really geli.... I can't bring myself to drink it fresh from my boops and I had to add some Nescafe and some cold fresh milk to force it down my throat lol! I drank my own breastmilk several times and I think I wouldn't want to do it again! Eewwwww!!
10-15 ounces of breastmilk a day .....all down the sink....
Really waste, but at least you can drink it, actually hows the taste of bm?
It would be good if those can freeze store it. are too funny!!
Last time when Angel went back to her grandparents for a week, I also keep on expressing and pour down the sink, what a waste, then of course I find a good solution to that, I force hubby to drink it!!! Hahahaahahaha
Last time when Angel has to went to her grandparents to stay for a week, I also keep expressing my milk and pour down the sink, and at the end, I found a solution, I force hubby to drink it! Hahahaha
i wud tell caroline to skip the expressing part n let hubs do it direct! wink wink! but in certain religion, hubs are forbidden from drinking the milk!
i've never tasted my own BM before, how DOES it taste like? i've never tasted ethan's formula either...
u r rite.. i feel ewwww.. hahahaha... why ah? if it's good enuf for our baby, it shud be good enuf for us rite? but then again... hahahaha..
I drink it before..when my baby did not finish taste like warm fresh milk ler..quite nice :P..but I guess it depends what food I took also while breastfeeding.. :P
Actually not sure for SAHM, for working and pumping moms..I think I would think of freezing and storing the EBM.
In fact for western mommies..some even made ice-cream with their oversupply of frozen ebm :P cos as u said it..TOO WASTED to throw away! :)
Hi Shireen,
U can use to to bath.just like ppl use goat milk to bath..At least not so waste lo.
hmnnn... why not you store your milk in plastic breast milk or bottles and then freeze it in the hospital fridge?
no worries... u will be healthy.
mm.. how is the taste? Actually, good suggestion from de-little ones.
U can definitely freeze breast milk. Lots of ppl do that if they have to be away for a few days and dad can still feed the baby.
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