There was this really big fish greeting me in the freezer each time I opened the door, ever since the mil went to Hong Kong 3 weeks ago and I have to take charge of cooking. I did not know who bought the fish. I only found out after that fateful night that hubby's friend gave it to him.
I have a confession to make. I have a phobia of cooking big dressed fishes or chicken. I normally buy small fishes or sliced ones. For chicken, I buy specific parts like drumsticks or deboned thighs. I have no time and interest to chop a dead animal into pieces and I have never chopped a whole big chicken before! Neither have I de-scaled a fish before. It's just too messy, fishy and dirty and I don't like having fingers that smell fishy the whole day.
Since the mil would be back soon, I thought I better cook that big fish, lest I get a tongue-lashing from her on why I did not cook it.
After the fish was thawed, I wanted to cut diagonal lines into the flesh but sharks, why was the fish so hard I thought?! I used the kitchen chopper to scrape the skin and found out that the scales were intact!! And it ain't gutted too! I didn't know how to pan dress a fish, dang it! I have never de-scaled a fish in my entire life coz the fish seller always does it for me. So... long story cut short, the aftermath was a total disaster. Plasticky fish scales were flying everywhere. I had to shower after that and had to clean up the freaking dirty kitchen too. The fins on both sides of the fish were sharp like needles and I got bloody poked more than 5 times. I so wanted to throw the fish away and tell the kids that we were going out to eat that night.
But I persevered. Nightmare for me. Did I tell you that cooking is just not my cuppa? Well, if I still had a full-time maid, I don't mind cooking. But I hate the preparation and the washing up, period. I cook only for the love of my 3 precious.

And my perseverance paid off. My wannabe Thai style grilled fish was awesome pawsome. The flesh was moist and the way I marinated the fish by cutting diagonal lines into the flesh and stuffing kafir lime leaves, spices and condiments into the flesh produced a very flavorful fish, right up to the bones.

I also did a stir-fried four angle beans with minced pork, which is the girls' favorite.

The girls licked the fish bones clean but at the end of the dinner, I learnt another lesson. I found out that I did not remove the fish stomach! LOL!!!

Good lesson learnt for the girls as well. I always tell them that cooking is a must-have survival skill. Now they know what to do if they want to dish out a perfect fish dish.
I told my girls the story that came with this delish fish dish and they all had a good laugh and Cass kissed all the holes on my fingers :)
You're not alone, my dear. Neither does your mum know how to de-scale or clean a whole fish or chop up a whole chicken. Your grandmother did all that! Anyway, congrats, you had the experience and in the end your precious ones and you got to enjoy your labour of love. BTW, another secret revealed... Though your dad can cook very well he still doesn't know how to slaughter a live chicken. Once a long time ago in Camerons your grandma was ill during a festival and she asked Dad to slaughter the 'yim kai'! He said no problem. Then he took a big chopper and just chopped off the poor head, threw the cock on the floor. Then you know what happened? The dead cock could still jump and move!! Tell the grankids this story and have a good laugh over dinner tonight!
I told them the story and they had a good laugh too! LOL!
Well done on the fish! I'd never knew if you didn't tell me it's your fist attempt. *clap clap*
I usually steam the fishes for it's how Eric's family like them. Miss having grilled whole fish with spices!
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