Today is the eve of the eve of Alycia's PT3 exam. It's her first major high school exam. She stayed home the whole day for cramming, leaving her room every two hourly for short breaks and cut down on her gym time.
Saturday is a day of chauffering for me. After dropping off Alycia at the tuition center, I dropped off the Fighting Queen at the gym for taekwondo. Today is her grading for the next belt. After the grading exercise, she was informed by her Iranian master (who also teaches her Muay Thai) that she passed. Woohoo, welcome green belt!
Fighting Queen always avoids her paparazzi mum! Pisses me off when she does that.
After fetching Fighting Queen back from the gym at 4 p.m., I dropped her home, picked up Cass and then attended piano class together. After piano class, I fetched Alycia back from the tuition center, popped by the supermarket to get sushi for Alycia as she wanted to stay home to revise while we go out for dinner. It's frightening to step foot into this supermarket at our neighborhood. It is so complete with fresh groceries, imported products and new products that I always leave the supermarket at least RM50 - RM150 poorer, though my original intention was only to get sushi! I go there 5-6 times a week. 😁
Dinner was at our favorite neighborhood 'tai chow' restaurant. Dessert was ice-cream and waffle at Inside Scoop.
October and November will be two very difficult months for the girls and me. It's their finals, Alycia has to sit for two major exams in October (PT3 and UEC), Sherilyn has to attend a dance competition on the eve of her finals and the worst unimaginable event is that my most helpful and trusted part-time helper of 6 years will be going back to Indonesia to get married!! For a frigging 5 weeks!! Will I ever see her again? She's been telling me YES and she even has plans to bring her new husband to KL to work. She even planned for her new husband to work at the hubs' kitchen. But will this materialize? I can only pray hard to God that she will come back to work for us for the next 20-30 years. I can't live in peace without her. She's God-sent and we all treat her like a family member 🙏🙏🙏
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