We were at the open air car park that's perpetually out of place of park. When a car reversed out from a parking lot, this Indian man who is ahead of me quickly went to park his car. So I let him reverse his car so that he could park. But he changed his mind last minute and decided not to park there and parked somewhere else instead. When he drove past me, I just looked at him. Read - just looked at him. I wasn't even angry. Why should I? He didn't do anything wrong but I was just wondering why he changed his mind and didn't park there.
When we both got down the car, Mr Sensitive said this in Malay to the parking attendant who is an Indian man "orang ingat saya sangat bodoh tak tau parking. Tapi orang yang ingat saya bodoh itu sangat bodoh. Dia Cina tau. CINA tau? CINA! BODOH!!"
Translated into English - People think I am very stupid, don't know how to park. But the person who thinks I am stupid is stupid herself/himself. She/he is Chinese.. Chinese you know. Chinese! Stupid!
This hothead kept repeating the word BODOH and CINA. I was puzzled and curious as to who he is haranguing about to the car park attendant. Was he referring to me the CINA lady or was he referring to the CINA driver who got out of the parking lot? Why did he keep repeating the word CINA like he has a serious issue with CINA people? That's such a racist remark. Then he turned back and looked at me. So I guess he was referring to me! WTF!!
Seriously? I did not say a word or lift my hand or cuss him with my looks or eyes. I just looked at him! Is that wrong? I think this guy has a mental issue brewing inside him!
This guy seriously needs anger management or psychiatric therapy! If he can get so distressed over this when no one even attacked him verbally or physically, he's in trouble.
Today over lunch I told Sherilyn about this incident and guess what this girl said to me?
Sher - "Mum, do you know that you've got a resting bitch face? My friend told me that you look fierce!"
Huh, do I? DO I? I am born with this face, so how? Fake a smile all the time to look more amiable?? 😳😵😵
My lunch with Sherilyn on one of the afternoons last week:
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