Sherilyn loves butter and she loves them in chunks on her sandwich or on her hard-boiled egg. This morning, she had chunky butter sandwich with crispy seaweed and a hard-boiled egg. Everyone has been saying that Sherilyn has lost a lot of her cute baby fat on her cheeks and arms. I'm trying to make her gain some weight by feeding her butter, more milk, cheese and an egg everyday. She's been a very picky eater of late and has been refusing to eat any meat. My maid and I have to spend almost 1.5 hours to feed her lunch or dinner. She's really testing our patience when all she does is just store the food in her mouth!
Yup, Kay Yi has lost her baby fat on her cheeks. They were much chubbier during our wedding! Feed her more =)
Jeff & Shir Lin... I'd like to feed Sher more but she doesn't really like to eat her proper meals. She loves snacks and tasty food, aka food with MSG :(
sounds just like marcus, shern's cousin. super fussy eater and take forever to finish his meal. ranging from 1-2 hours also.
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