"Mummy.... look at Kay Yi.... she is breastfeeding her baby!" These were the words uttered by Alycia to me yesterday just before I put Alycia and Sherilyn to nap in the afternoon. When I saw what Sherilyn was doing, I just burst out laughing out loud. My goodness, the way she lay on the mattress on her side with Elmo her 'baby' is exactly like mine, when I nurse Baby C. At one point, she even covered her legs with her nappy, just like how I cover mine with my blanket. LOL..... Sher is just an expert in imitating me!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....Sher is really funny!! I can't stop laughing just looking at the pics.
LOL...this is too cute...she bf like a pro. ;)
girls will be girls!
sooooo adorable.
omg. She even has the serious and responsible look. This little girl must have a lot going on in her head. Need to tap her mind and nurture her thinking capacity!
Hey Sherilyn
What're you doing ?
I can't control my laugh...
wah hahaha!!! she is really....haha...
hahahhahahah...this is funny!
*rolling on the floor laughing* that is oh-so-cute. She is such a funny little darling !!!
me too...can't control my laugh in office.
Sherilyn soooooooo cute
Jeff says: Kay Yi is full of ideas to entertain herself = will be a very bright and intelligent girl in future.
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