It looks as though Baby C is another hyper-active and adventurous baby, just like her 2 older sisters. Whenever she's awake, she prefers to be on the gym mat, trying to do all sorts of stunts. For the past 1 week or so, she has been trying to get up on all fours to crawl..... and boy, she really does look cute!

On your marks, get set......... GO.....

I can do push-ups too...

... and I like to turn my body at a 45 degree angle to see what's going on around me, hehehe.....
The urine culture test which came out yesterday showed a moderate growth of E Coli and Klabsiella bacteria in Baby C's urine again :(. However, our paed nephrologist is not too keen to inject her with painful antibiotics jabs again. She ordered a repeat urine culture test on Friday (tomorrow) and will decide on the next course of action from there. Oh God, please whatever it is, just spare Cassandra from further pain and torture!
oh dear. so sorry to hear that :( poor cassandra.
Hopefully she's spared from further pain.
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