When no one was free to feed her the other day, Alycia came to her rescue and fed her. Within 15 minutes, she polished off all the rice and dishes on her plate!
Alycia coaxing Sherilyn to eat.....

When her bowl of soup was finished, jie jie even knew how to ask kakak to top up the bowl with soup.... and then continued feeding Sherilyn. She's really the bestest jie jie in the world!
Yes! She is the best Jie Jie anyone would dream of having.
Btw, my 2nd girl doesn't like eating rice too, she prefers noodles; just like your Sherilyn. And I don't force her to eat her rice. If I have no time to cook noodle for her, I will prepare dishes that she will definitely eat with her rice. One of it is Chicken Pong Teh. If no Pong Teh and no Noodles, she will just eat bread or biscuit then drink milk. As long as she don't starve ok d. :D
She is the best jie jie in the world. Not only is she setting a good example to her sisters but also to all the other kids in the planet!! And she's the best helper and daughter too! Good girl, Alycia!
aww..Aly is really a great jie jie. She knows how to handle her 2 younger siblings now.
She has a sense of responsibility...that's what big jie jie are for :) Reward her...she is definitely Best-est!
Sherilyn is a lucky girl. Looks like you'll be fine when your maid leaves next year. You will have other helpers at home. Good on ya, Alycia.
Wow!! She really is! Like "Little Lamb" suggested, reward her and maybe #2 will start figuring out what she can do to get a "bonus"!
Aly, u're THE tai kar jeh!
Aly is so sweet!!!
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