Baby had woken up very early one morning, so I lugged her along when I went jogging. When she dozed off in the stroller after I had finished jogging, I didn't want to wake her up. So my maid and I carried the stroller into the living room, so that she could continue sleeping. But when my maid reclined the seat, Baby woke up and wailed.

Hi, had followed your blog for quite some time. Can i check with you, how to train kids to empty their bowels every morning? Just place them on the potty on the same time of the day?
Anonymous... yes, put your toddler on the potty at around the same time every morning. Give them activities (books, coloring, flash cards, etc) whilst they are seated on the potty so that they are not easily bored. Baby C can sit on the potty for at least half an hour whilst I read to her... until she poops! You need lots of patience. Give them lots of praises whether they poo or not.
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