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Friday, March 21, 2025

A Lesson in Checking Your Purchases – The Case of the Missing Serviettes

The other day, I made a quick stop at 99 Speedmart, my go-to place for stocking up on essential household items. From toilet paper, tissue paper, serviettes, kitchen rolls, shampoo, milk, to even cat litter, this mart offers some of the lowest prices compared to other supermarkets. It’s a convenient and budget-friendly spot for everyday necessities. Their 1-liter fresh milk is more than RM2 a box cheaper than at supermarkets and other convenience stores.

As I was browsing the shelves, I grabbed the last two packs of serviettes available. But something seemed off—the plastic packaging of both packs had come slightly loose, and there was visible air inside. The serviettes inside didn’t look as full as they should have, almost as if someone had pilfered a few. But since I was in a rush, I ignored my instincts, tossed them into my shopping bag, and left.

Once I got home, I decided to take a closer look. And just as I had suspected—some unscrupulous person had definitely stolen a bunch of serviettes from each pack by tearing the packaging! It was so evident that the packs were missing a significant number of sheets. No wonder these were the last two remaining packs on the shelf!

At first, I felt a surge of annoyance. But then I reminded myself that each pack only cost RM1.20. It wasn’t worth stressing over. Lesson learned: always check my items before buying, even for something as cheap as serviettes!

This wasn’t a costly mistake, but it’s still frustrating to know that some people would go to such petty lengths to take a few serviettes. Next time, I’ll inspect the packaging carefully before purchasing. No more grabbing and rushing!

So, the next time you're shopping, especially for tissue papers, serviettes, or other loose-packaged items, take a second to check. It might save you from bringing home something that’s already been tampered with!

Have you ever had a similar experience while shopping? Share your stories in the comments! 😊

The packet of serviettes in the middle was purchased some time ago. The other packets on the left and right were purchased yesterday. See the difference in the height of the packets?  I have seen people removing blueberries from punnets at the supermarket to pop into their mouths but even serviettes people need to steal? I can't brain it.

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