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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Terrible Twos

Is it true that all kids will go through the 'terrible twos' (TT) phase? Well at least for my 2 gals. For both Alycia and Sherilyn, the symptoms slowly started to appear a few months shy of their 2nd birthdays. Sherilyn is now 2 yrs 2 mths and is at the peak of the TT phase, though she's not as teruk case as Alycia. I had a real hard time when Alycia was 2 yrs old. Here are some of Sherilyn's TT 'symptoms' :

Super rebellious and disobedient. When talked to nicely, will not listen. Will only listen when I flash out the cane.

Super vain-pot. Loves to choose her own clothes each time she's being changed. Refuses to wear anything that mommy or maid have chosen for her. A few nights ago, she insisted in wearing her favourite sleeveless dress to sleep. She cried and kicked till she almost puked when my maid put on her pyjamas for her. Thankfully, daddy came home in the nick of time to play hide-and-seek with her to placate her, otherwise my maid and I gotta clean up puke again.

Very manipulative. If she can't get what she wishes for, will cry, kick and roll on the floor till she vomits. When distraction doesn't work on her, I normally ignore her and let her cry her eyes out. Normally after a 15 - 20 mins tantrum outburst, she will 'self heal' and be herself again, laughing and playing with her sister.

Likes to whine for no reason. Sounds of whinning from my gals drive me bonkers.

Refuses to sit still when I read to her. She used to love me reading to her. She's more of a Glenn Doman baby than Alycia but lately, displayed very little interest in reading or looking at my flashcards. So I reduce the frequency of these reading sessions and let her enjoy her TT phase. I know she will mellow down when she's nearing 3 yo, just like Alycia.

So how do you handle a kid with a TT behaviour?

Patience, power of distraction and some humour.... these are the virtues to subdue a kid with TT behaviour.

Do I have them? Yes, when I'm in a good mood.

That's why everyday, I pray to God to bless me with tons of patience, tolerance and wisdom to be a better mom. I hope God answers my prayer.


Anonymous said...

I know wat u mean. XY (who's turning 4 soon) also suffers from TT. But not 'terrible two'. It's 'terrible three'! I no longer speak softly at home. Coz she can oni hear when u shout at her.
Yes, u need loads of patience. But we're oni human. So, there's a fair bit of shouting, spanking n scolding. :( Jes hope this 'terrible' phase will go away soon.. and I can be more sane n 'human' again. :D

Health Freak Mommy said...

Hey, u r not alone too with Terrible Threes coz Alycia is also displaying some of the symptoms. I believe this is just a fleeting phase. In the meantime, just pray for patience :)