I use about 4 bibs on Baby each day. One is used when I feed her supplements in the morning, another two when I feed her porridge for lunch and dinner and another bib when I feed her antibiotics at night. Some of the bibs are cloth and some are plastic. Sometimes I run out of bibs when they are not dried, especially during rainy days. The other day, I got her 2 more t-shirt plastic bibs. These bibs are great since she gets all messed up during each feed. One is bought from Mother Care and the other one from Mom's Care.

Baby C looking very blur here as she had just woken up from her nap.
BTW, I hardly put her on this Safe n Sound highchair now (which once belonged to both her cheh chehs) as she just can't sit still and can even wriggle out from the safety belt. I must ask hubby to find the highchair table (which he has kept in his office) and attach it back to the highchair. Maybe with the table for her to put her food and toys, she will sit still during meal times.
hahahha..she looks so cute here!!!
I wish I could find this bib online or here in the U.S. My little one is 9 months and she goes through about 4 of the terry cloth bibs a day. They're so much harder to clean.
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