My mum always comments that I have too much laundry to wash everyday. She always says that my house is like a laundrette! We have at least 3 loads of laundry to wash in the washing machine everyday - one load for the kids' clothes, one load for adults clothes and another load for floor mats and dirty cloths used to wipe tables, the kitchen and furniture. I also allow my maid to use the washing machine to wash her clothes and she uses the washing machine every other day. I'll bet no one allows their maid to use the washing machine to wash their clothes but me. But I think my maid has quite a lot of work to do and I think it's perfectly fine for her to use it.
I change the bedsheets every week, towels are washed once every 2-3 days, jammies washed everyday and of course daily wear are washed daily. My maid spends at least an hour folding the clothes and she does not even need to iron my mil and my hubs' clothes. My mil irons her own clothes and my hubs sends his clothes to the laundry to have them ironed. She only needs to iron the kids' clothes and my clothes which are not many, perhaps only 2-3 sets in a week. You think we have too much laundry for the maid to do, looking at the picture here? There is some more laundry (mostly floor mats and maid's clothes) hanging in the balcony in the kitchen.
I too allow my maid to use the washing machine to wash her clothes.
wow...3 loads a day? that's a LOT. what happen during rainy season eh? Sure headache.
I don't really understand. Why not allow her to wash her clothes in washing machine? If she schanges daily and unless she is doing hard labour (selling in market or construction or wash dishes in restaurant kitchen) her clothes can't be as dirty as floor mats.
Likewise here, I don't get that there are people who do not let the maid use the washing machine! How utterly ridiculous and selfish! I'm sure the maid sweats cos she is working hard. I'm sure there is a special place in hell for people with that sort of attitude.
I guess perhaps your washing machine size may not be the same as mine...I average one load a day and we have lots of jeans and sweaters etc. I also wash the whites separately.
Not a lot at all as you have so many people staying in a house. If my neigbours don't know me well, will think that I have a newborn.....seeing those clothes diaper...ha,ha..Isaac can use up to 5 ~ 6 clothes diapers a day (he treat it as towel and need to have it when he sleep or drink milk milk)...so imagine...ha,ha...
But, I guess, you might need dryer instead, no?
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