Sunday, May 30, 2010
Without Help Very Soon
Just a moment ago, I saw something black and moving on the floor. At a closer look, I realized that it was a COCKROACH!! Yikes, I hate roaches and they are one of my greatest fears. I freaked out and yelled out "Dyaaaaaaaaah, cepat bawa Shelltox, cepat, cepat, cepat, ada cockroach!!!". My helper came running with a can of Shelltox and quickly aimed at the roach and sprayed on it continuously till the little fler struggled and died. She then wrapped it with a tissue paper and flushed it down the toilet.
A few weeks down the road, my helper will be back Indon for good and I will be left alone to handle 3 rambunctious kids. Mil will be away in HK for a few months soon and hubby is always not home. I keep telling myself that I can handle the kids without a full-time helper but in times like this when I need help or when my kids are sick and vomiting, who is going to help me? I guess in times like this, I have to brace myself for the worst, cry and scream for help or call 999 for help, boo hoo hoo hoo.... :(
A few weeks down the road, my helper will be back Indon for good and I will be left alone to handle 3 rambunctious kids. Mil will be away in HK for a few months soon and hubby is always not home. I keep telling myself that I can handle the kids without a full-time helper but in times like this when I need help or when my kids are sick and vomiting, who is going to help me? I guess in times like this, I have to brace myself for the worst, cry and scream for help or call 999 for help, boo hoo hoo hoo.... :(
Saturday, May 29, 2010
On The Eve Of Their Exams

This was taken on the eve of Alycia and Sherilyn's exam. They were playing balloons, went swimming, watched TV and Sherilyn sat for her actual ballet exam and was away at the exam centre the whole morning.
I have been very, very relaxed with them, doing very little revision with them as I was both too bogged down with work and didn't want to put too much stress on them. After all, Alycia is only in Primary 1 and Sherilyn is only 5 years old. I only did a max of 1-2 hours of revision with them on the eve of their exam. Alycia scored pretty good marks with 90 and above for all her papers. But maybe all her classmates scored just as good marks as her, who knows? As for Sherilyn, I admit I have not been doing much revision with her at all ever since I started running an online business. I wouldn't blame her if she scores poor marks. I must, must, must go slow with my business and spend more time with my kids!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Bossy Baby
My helper was feeding Baby lunch yesterday. Baby was seated on her booster seat placed on the dining chair. She was restless and moved about, almost fell off the seat several times. My helper then reprimanded Baby and asked her to sit still. Baby pretended to be angry and said this in a feigned angry tone "what you say, what you say huh??" .... to which my helper asked her to sit properly and held her hand, so that she would not move and fall off the chair. Baby retorted and said this "don't kacau me!" in the bossiest manner ever lol!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Essentially Homemade
Here's what I love having for breakfast :

Homemade multi-grain bread with homemade pesto sauce and homemade hazel nut bread spread. YUMS.... so yummy, so healthy, so homemade and chokefull of fibre and nutrients. Some of you will go "OMG, how can she swallow that stuff in the morning?" but iLove! I honestly prefer this to a packet of nasi lemak, kuih or curry puffs.

Homemade multi-grain bread with homemade pesto sauce and homemade hazel nut bread spread. YUMS.... so yummy, so healthy, so homemade and chokefull of fibre and nutrients. Some of you will go "OMG, how can she swallow that stuff in the morning?" but iLove! I honestly prefer this to a packet of nasi lemak, kuih or curry puffs.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I Tak Mau Friend You
Over dinner just now, Baby kicked up a big fuss and was super whiny. She didn't want this bowl but want that bowl, gave her that bowl and she wanted this bowl. She was stirring her food and playing with it but not eating it. My temper hit the roof. She was punished and put to stand at the naughty corner by mah mah. Of course she bawled and feigned vomiting again. Alycia jie jie played along with her and said "here, go vomit in this pail" and gave her the vomit pail. Baby was furious and for the first time, she blurted out furiously to her favorite jie jie "I tak mau friend you!!"... and said that several times! My mil and I wanted to burst out laughing upon hearing her say "I tak mau friend you" but tried hard to suppress our guffaw LOL!

Life Insurance Policy
I have several medical insurance policies and the hubs told me the other day that I should get someone to review the policies and stick to only one medical insurance policy. The both of us are paying quite a bit for our insurance premiums each month. I wonder if it is really necessary to be paying so much for insurances. I guess one will only feel the need when the unforeseen happens. I know of some well educated people who don’t even have a single insurance policy all their lives. If you are one of them, I would say go get a life insurance quote and insure yourself right away!
Super Busy Day
Today is another super busy day for me. With 11 online assignments to submit, orders from my customers to process, nuphedragen reviews to write and blogs to update, I can barely breathe. I feel really guilty that I haven’t been spending enough time with my kids. I hadn’t spent sufficient time to do revision with Alycia and Sherilyn for their exams this week. In fact, I only managed to squeeze out a couple of hours to do revision with them on the eve of their exams. Thank God Alycia did pretty well. I’m really anxious to see what marks Sherilyn has scored for her subjects.
Unaccomplished Mission
The hubs has been swimming and hitting the gym very frequently lately. He is on his weight loss project again. In fact, he has been in and out of this weight loss project umpteen times that I have lost count. At the start of the project, he is always motivated but when his work eats into his time, he would eventually abandon his mission. I am hoping that he can shed at least 10kg, especially from his beer belly. I was told that obesity can affect one’s libido and I do not wish for my man to rely on extenze!
Anti-Aging Face Cream
I have never used any anti aging face face creams before. Now that I will be hitting the big 40 in another 3 years, maybe I should start getting a good brand of anti aging face cream, lest my face wrinkles and sag. My skin is still very much supple, flawless and smooth and I have to say that daily exercising has a part to play in having good skin. But how long can this last? I wonder if anti aging face creams can really prevent the skin from sagging, wrinkling and aging.
Claims Approved
We received a very good piece of news last week. Our insurance company has approved our claims for two of Baby’s hospitalization bills incurred this year. One was for a UTI attack in January and the other for an eye chalazion surgery in March. However, the biggest bill of over RM50k for her surgeries last year remains rejected :( The hubs had decided that if they reject our 2 latest claims, he would be transferring the policy to another insurer. He also wants to get some term life insurance quotes from a new insurer.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sleeping On The Meal

Another typical scene during dinner time if rice + dishes are served - rascal #2 staring into space and then dozing off with her food, soup and water unfinished !!
Btw, do hop over to Old And New Stuff For Sale to check out my latest collection of kids clothing. They are all really pretty and priced very reasonably too! They are now open for pre-order and booking will close this Saturday, 29 May 2010.

100631 森林系女孩~清純芭蕾~點點細肩露背蕾絲小洋裝~A藍點點,B粉點點
AB #5-15

100635 永遠的華麗小公主~夢幻款~芭蕾舞風粉色澎澎蕾絲洋裝

100636 又甜又HOT~星星口袋棉質反折小熱褲~A藍,B桃粉
AB #5-15

100637 小可愛~細肩帶玫瑰愛心小貓咪棉質上衣

100518 沉醉在燦爛繽紛彩虹裡~亮麗棉質啦啦隊洋裝

100545 夏日精選~立體口袋~紅紅小金龜車車牛仔短褲

100571 大童款~韓版蕾絲棉質長版上衣

Measurement - 25cm x 1.8cm
Bugslock Insect Repellent Wrist Band - can be worn by both adults and kids!
Price: RM13.00 each, RM24 for 2
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Vegetarian Thai Fried Rice

This is the latest rage in our family - vegetarian Thai fried rice, a new recipe of which my mil had just picked up. Everyone likes it so much that she's been cooking this every other day. The great flavor and aroma come from the different types of leaves used.
The ingredients used are:
White rice + red rice or brown rice
Lemon grass, julienned
Ginger flower, julienned
Leaves of lime or limau kasturi (fatt foong kum yip), julienned
Assortment of vegetables which you are free to use - sweet corn kernel, red, yellow, green bell pepper, julienned kai lan, chopped french beans, etc.
This is a very healthy dish and even I (who normally don't touch rice) heart it!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Homecooked Dishes
Two of the dishes that my mil whipped up last week:
Brinjal stuffed with homemade fish paste. She made the fish paste herself.
"loh jue keok" (braised pig's trotters) and hard boiled eggs. I don't eat the pig's trotters but love the eggs, the lean meat and the sauce.
Next, I will post pix of her vegetarian Thai fried rice, so stay tuned....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Rushing Me Crazy
These days, Alycia's driver has been picking her up 10 minutes earlier in the morning. Me, I am the busiest in the morning. I try to reply emails, update my blogs and update my online store in the morning. I only have less than 10 minutes to prepare myself before bringing Alycia down to the lobby to wait for the driver. This morning, as usual Alycia was pestering me to hurry up again. This girl can be really pesistant and can really breathe down my neck in the most irritating way. As I was dressing up, she crept into my room and whispered "hurry up mummy, hurry up, faster, faster, don't be late again, Aunty J will scold me, blah, blah, blah, ...." and brought my clothes to me. As I was rushing off, I almost forgot to wear my bra muahahahahah!! And I did forget something. I had forgotten to bring my towel with me this morning and had to wipe away my sweat using my t-shirt after jogging. No matter how early I wake up every morning, there is still so much to do and my work never seems to get completed and my girl and hubby are forever rushing me to HURRY UP, haiz..... I am really tempted to submit my resignation letter to the big boss at home and submit my application letter for another job UWAWAWAWAWA......
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Heart Warming Moments
Moments like these are priceless:
When the girls enjoy each other's company, when they laugh, giggle, make fun and tickle each other......

When they hug each other....

And when Alycia runs to Baby's resuce to comfort her each time I scold or punish Baby. Though burning with anger, the sight of Alycia defying my order not to 'sayang' her baby sister and running to her, giving her a big bear hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek douses off the fire in my heart.
Do hop over to my online store, Old And New Stuff For Sale to check out my new collection of chic ladies clothings and kids' clothes. I've brought in some kids' clothes and more will be coming soon, all sold at very reasonable prices :)
Here are just a few samples:

When the girls enjoy each other's company, when they laugh, giggle, make fun and tickle each other......

When they hug each other....

And when Alycia runs to Baby's resuce to comfort her each time I scold or punish Baby. Though burning with anger, the sight of Alycia defying my order not to 'sayang' her baby sister and running to her, giving her a big bear hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek douses off the fire in my heart.
Do hop over to my online store, Old And New Stuff For Sale to check out my new collection of chic ladies clothings and kids' clothes. I've brought in some kids' clothes and more will be coming soon, all sold at very reasonable prices :)
Here are just a few samples:

Monday, May 17, 2010
Wholemeal Flour Instant Noodles

This is Baby's first bowl of instant noodles with my mil's homemade fish balls, eggs and veggie, minus the seasoning. I seasoned her bowl of noodles with sesame seed oil and Bragg's liquid amino acid.
Baby's 2 jie jies are crazy over instant noodles but I hardly ever cook instant noodles for them. Even if I buy instant noodles for the kids, I only buy those that are supposedly MSG-free and noodles that are made from wholemeal flour, spinach or soy bean flour. You can check out Cintan's MSG-free instant noodles. They are made from wholemeal flour or soy bean flour.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Fruits Galore For Breakfast
I bought over RM60 worth of fruits from the night market last night. They include our favorite jackfruit, pineapple, papayas, mangoes, duku langsat, oranges, kiwi fruits and red dragon fruits. This morning, the girls had local fruits for breakfast - jackfruit, mangoes and duku langsat.

Alycia enjoying her local fruits delight while reading the newspapers!
Did I tell you that Baby is not a fan of fruits and the few fruits that she would eat are durians, mangoes, oranges (would only eat if it's really sweet and juicy) and red dragon fruits? Give her papaya, she would feign vomitting again *slap forehead*

Alycia enjoying her local fruits delight while reading the newspapers!
Did I tell you that Baby is not a fan of fruits and the few fruits that she would eat are durians, mangoes, oranges (would only eat if it's really sweet and juicy) and red dragon fruits? Give her papaya, she would feign vomitting again *slap forehead*
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sunnies Crazed Girl
Here's another sunglasses craze little girl. This Baby really loves her sunglasses, even as a baby. I remember that her sunnies brought a ray of sunshine to her when she was in the hospital after her surgeries last year.
And her daddy always gives in to her request and had to date bought her 3 sunnies!
And her daddy always gives in to her request and had to date bought her 3 sunnies!

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sleep Deprieved
Ever since Alycia started attending primary school this year, she has been really sleep-deprieved. She goes to bed at 9pm (sometimes at 8:30pm) everynight and has to wake up latest by 6am the next day. Though she naps for 1-2 hours every afternoon, this girl is still not getting enough shut eye. She is one fler who needs lots of sleep, even as a baby. But not for Sherilyn, who is perpetually bursting with energy and doesn't fall sleepy easily.

Alycia was waiting for her mah mah to bring her out one Saturday evening and she dozed off on the chairs, with her hair still wet, after her shower. The outing was of course cancelled!

Alycia was waiting for her mah mah to bring her out one Saturday evening and she dozed off on the chairs, with her hair still wet, after her shower. The outing was of course cancelled!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Easy-To-Fix Lunch
Whenever my mil bakes bread, my kids will have bread for lunch the next day. My mil bakes bread about twice in a week.
Here is Sherilyn's lunch - homemade marmalade jam bread (the bread is made with a bottle of marmalade jam) with mackeral fish on half a slice. The other half slice of bread is spread with her favorite kaya and topped with a slice of cheese.

Baby also ate half a slice of marmalade bread with cream cheese, a cup of chawan mushi (Japanese steamed egg) and soup of the day. Yup, she's a big fan of sunnies and refused to remove the sunnies when she ate her lunch *shake head*
Here is Sherilyn's lunch - homemade marmalade jam bread (the bread is made with a bottle of marmalade jam) with mackeral fish on half a slice. The other half slice of bread is spread with her favorite kaya and topped with a slice of cheese.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Alycia's Science Experiment

This is one of Alycia first few Science experiments for Primary 1 kids in school. It was mine too exactly 30 years ago! I still remember very clearly seeing the bean start growing a white spot and then I saw the white spot sprouted into a stem and then leaves. Pretty exciting. I'm sure she will love Science but learning it in Mandarin? Freaks me out to the max as I know none of the terms in Mandarin, yikes!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Doughnut Craze
Hubby is a hardcore doughnut fan-see. Each time we pass a Big Apple or JCo doughnut stall, no matter how long the queue may be, he will join in the bee line craze by queueing up just to get half a dozen of those colorful, fanciful doughnuts. And he never finishes them. One third of what he buys always end up with our helper, who is the lucky beneficiary of those doughnuts.
Here, Sherilyn is digging into a doughnut heavily coated with thick dark chocolate, eeeeksss!! I HATE washing up and cleaning up the aftermath.

Me? I don't like these fanciful doughnuts laden with sugar, cream and coloring. I still prefer the good old plain traditional doughnuts sprinkled with fine castor sugar which I will only eat once in a blue moon. I still prefer those doughnuts sold by the ting ting roti man on a tricycle. It only cost 10 sen each back then. I used to love those doughnuts about 3 decades ago and I wonder if these rare breed are still around now.
Here, Sherilyn is digging into a doughnut heavily coated with thick dark chocolate, eeeeksss!! I HATE washing up and cleaning up the aftermath.

Me? I don't like these fanciful doughnuts laden with sugar, cream and coloring. I still prefer the good old plain traditional doughnuts sprinkled with fine castor sugar which I will only eat once in a blue moon. I still prefer those doughnuts sold by the ting ting roti man on a tricycle. It only cost 10 sen each back then. I used to love those doughnuts about 3 decades ago and I wonder if these rare breed are still around now.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Pork-Tofu Sheet-Dried Oyster Porridge
My mil cooked a pot of pork-foo choke-dried oysters porridge in a clay pot for lunch the other day. It was really delicious. Even for someone like me and Baby who dislike porridge found the porridge very tasty.
The pork that my mil used was called 'por jai yoke' (little ball meat) or 'loh see jai yoke'(baby rat meat) coz it's roundish in shape and very tender. This porridge is also suitable for toddlers.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
PCOS Disorder
During the height of my PCOS disorder, I had a drawer filled with women vitamins and herbs to regulate my hormones / menses. Sadly, none of them proved effective and I had to go through the painful and invasive method of correcting the disorder. I went through an ovarian drilling procedure, where the doctor ‘drilled holes’ on both my ovaries with laser. That only provided relief for a short period. I believe I still have PCOS as I have not been getting my menses for 2 years now! They say that when you are still lactating, you will not get your menses but most of my friends who are still nursing their toddlers have already gotten their menses. I must pay a visit to my Ob&Gyn one day to have an ultrasound scan of my inner parts to see what’s going on inside there.
Blackheads No More
I used to have a lot of blackheads on my nose and was constantly getting rid of blackheads by scratching and peeling them. Sometimes, I would hurt my nose by making it bleed from all the peeling. Ever since I started a daily exercise regime, those blackheads vanished and NEVER came back. Unbelievable but it’s true. Not only that. Those pimples that decorated by back never came back too. That’s one of the amazing benefits of exercising. So don’t give yourself anymore excuses to skip that morning jog or run on the treadmill.
Breaking The Self-Restraint Tonight
My weight dropped further lately due to my recent throat infection and cough. Being unwell, my appetite went down hill for more than a week. The only pro that I get from being unwell is that I don’t need weight loss products or appetite suppressants to help me shed the last two stubborn kilos. When you are unwell, you naturally lose appetite. I have not gorged on ice-creams, curry, snacks or any deep fried food stuff for more than a week now. But tonight, I will break the self-restraint as hubby is bringing all of us out for seafood to celebrate Mother’s Day! And there’s going to be a fattening white chocolate cake too!
Sweet Peanut Sauce Open Sandwich
Hubby bought some Kajang satay and was given a huge packet of satay sauce (made from peanuts, chilli paste and sugar). I love the sauce and the satay but dare not indulge in too much of BBQ meat. Did you know that burnt meat, especially those with black carbon are really damaging to your health and is carcinogenic (i.e. causes cancer) if eaten excessively? So these days, I try to avoid eating BBQ meat and meat in general so that my body is less acidic. Yup, meat causes acid built up, especially acid uric, which causes gout. Try to keep your body more alkaline and you'll feel healthy! You can read more on keeping the body alkaline for optimum health by googling on it. You'll find tons of websites offering info on this.
Anyway, back to the satay sauce. Since I just lurve the satay sauce, I spread some on a slice of homemade multigrain bread. It tasted superb, well at least for this health freak! I'll bet no one has tried eating satay sauce this way, eh?
My lunch - a slice of homemade multigrain bread (made of oat groats, wheat bran and olive oil) spread with satay sauce and 3 skewers of satay. Then downed a glass of lemon juice to neutralize the acid from the meat and peanuts.
Anyway, back to the satay sauce. Since I just lurve the satay sauce, I spread some on a slice of homemade multigrain bread. It tasted superb, well at least for this health freak! I'll bet no one has tried eating satay sauce this way, eh?

Whatever Will Be Will Be
I always wonder what profession my girls will hold in future. Will one of them realize my very own childhood dream of becoming a flight stewardess? I actually got the job offer by an airlines company to be a flight stewardess but relinquished the offer and I still regret not accepting this offer up to this day.
I wonder whether my girls will turn out to be something that’s out of my expectation in future. Alycia told me that she wants to be a chef while Sherilyn said she wants to be a hairdresser!! There are thousands of courses offered by colleges now and I have never even heard of some of them like energy auditing. Whatever my girls become in future, I just hope that it’s something that’s decent and that they will be really happy in it.
I wonder whether my girls will turn out to be something that’s out of my expectation in future. Alycia told me that she wants to be a chef while Sherilyn said she wants to be a hairdresser!! There are thousands of courses offered by colleges now and I have never even heard of some of them like energy auditing. Whatever my girls become in future, I just hope that it’s something that’s decent and that they will be really happy in it.
Friday, May 7, 2010
She Wants To Go To Kindy At 7am
Rascal #2 wakes up every morning feeling cranky and whiny. It’s also a struggle to get her to hop out of bed every morning. Today is an exception. She woke up really early, at 6:30am, drank her milk, brushed her teeth, washed up and was raring to go to her kindy at 7am! And she did all these without being nagged! But it was too early to go to school. Before I left the house to exercise, I gave her a stack of books, magazines and daddy’s atv magazine and told her to read. When I returned from jogging, she was sitting at the couch, daydreaming away and the books were untouched, sigh, that’s Sherilyn!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another Kuih Lover
Everyone in our family loves kuih muih. Who doesn't right? They are sweet, full of santan and so addictive. Even health freaks like me cannot resist gorging on them once a week. But be careful not to over indulge in kuih muihs as they are empty calories, darn fattening and can cause diabetes if you eat too much of them. Now, even Baby loves kuih and her favorite is the 'kau chung koa' or 9-layer kuih.
She even exclaims "hmmmmmm....." whenever she eats those kuih muih haha!
Onde onde is her other favorite and mine too. So unhealthy eh? But it's ok if you eat these kuih once a week to satiate your sweet cravings :D
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Unique Seafood Restaurant, Section 13 PJ
We had been to Unique Seafood Restaurat @ Section 13, PJ for lunch and dinner umpteen times over the last few years but I can't recall blogging about this restaurant. For seafood lovers who are looking for fresh seafood, fresh from the water tank, as well as unique and exotic seafood, Unique Seafood is the place to go to. This restaurant also serves dim sum on weekends.
Here's what we had....
Stir fried noodles with seafood, specially ordered for my noodles crazed #2...

Some kind of prawn dim sum with fish maw and chilli sauce which iLike...

'Lau chup' pau (which literally means 'sauce dripping' pau in Cantonese), which iLikey very much. But be cautious when you sink your teeth into the hot pau as the sauce inside is piping hot and can burn your lip, throat and fingers.

My princess wannabe...

Plain steamed fresh prawns, dipped with chilli sauce...

Alycia my prawn lover, who gobbled down more prawns than me...

prawn dumpling and fried radish cake...

Salt baked female crabs served with some pickles. Only female crabs have roe and I just lurve those sinfully creamy, cholesterol raising and artery clogging crab roe!

We also had a stack of steamed dim sum but didn't snap pix of them as they were just run of the mill dim sum like siew mai, fish balls, Hong Kong style rice roll (chee cheong fun), lor mai kai, etc.
Restaurant Fresh Unique Seafood 23, PJ
Lot 9B-3, Jalan Kemajuan, Section 13,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: +603. 7960 2088/2066
Business hours: 11.45am to 2.30pm / 6pm to 10.30pm
Here's what we had....
Stir fried noodles with seafood, specially ordered for my noodles crazed #2...

Some kind of prawn dim sum with fish maw and chilli sauce which iLike...

'Lau chup' pau (which literally means 'sauce dripping' pau in Cantonese), which iLikey very much. But be cautious when you sink your teeth into the hot pau as the sauce inside is piping hot and can burn your lip, throat and fingers.

My princess wannabe...

Plain steamed fresh prawns, dipped with chilli sauce...

Alycia my prawn lover, who gobbled down more prawns than me...

prawn dumpling and fried radish cake...

Salt baked female crabs served with some pickles. Only female crabs have roe and I just lurve those sinfully creamy, cholesterol raising and artery clogging crab roe!

We also had a stack of steamed dim sum but didn't snap pix of them as they were just run of the mill dim sum like siew mai, fish balls, Hong Kong style rice roll (chee cheong fun), lor mai kai, etc.
Restaurant Fresh Unique Seafood 23, PJ
Lot 9B-3, Jalan Kemajuan, Section 13,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: +603. 7960 2088/2066
Business hours: 11.45am to 2.30pm / 6pm to 10.30pm
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