I got a big surprise last night when hubby came home with a new Peg-Perego stroller for Baby C. I was a tad disappointed coz it wasn't a jogging stroller, but still it was way better than our exsiting beat-up stroller, which is almost 4 years old. The Peg-Perego stroller has many functions, which I have to spend some time to read up the manual to study the functions and to find out where the buttons are. What I like about this stroller is that the baby can be placed facing 2 directions, facing me and vice-versa.

The stroller comes with a mozzie net. Sherilyn as usual, curious as she could be, climbed on the stroller whilst daddy zipped up the mozzie net. However, her legs were too long for the stroller and the mozzie net and almost ripped the net apart!

This morning Baby C woke up very early and I brought her jogging along with me. I didn't use the new stroller coz too sayang to use the brand new and sparkling clean stroller.
The new Peg-Perego stroller cost RM1,700 but hubby bought it at around RM1,400 after a discount. Hubby asked about the jogging stroller and did not buy it when he found out that it cost a whopping RM3,000+!
I intend to sell this Peg-Perego at half price or lesser in 3-4 years' time. Till then, I shall blog about the sale of this stroller in my blog :)
oh...very expensive stroller.
RM1400 for a stroller!!!!! *pengsan*
*tabik* i will never spent RM1.4k on a stroller. omg.
Our Peg Perego stroller is 4+ years old and still as good as new. And the best part? It can take up to 45kg, I think? As quite a few of my adult friends and relatives have sat on it!!! It's very sturdy, so kids won't topple over if they stand on it. Having said that, very expensive lor......but durable. Unlike my cheapo Mothercare one which the airlines broke!
hmm.. very nice stroller.
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