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Monday, October 26, 2009

Everybody Loves Apam

.... including Baby!

Baby's appetite has not been very good lately. I think her body has been trying hard to fight off some pesky bugs - bugs that had bitten everyone in the family and made everyone cough with phlegm. She did cough a little but isn't really bad... like a few coughs in a day without any phlegm.

When hubs bought some apam from the pasar malam, I let Baby try a small pinch of the apam. To my surprise, she loved it. She kept screeeeeeeaming for more. But of course I did not accede to her demand. If I would allow it, I think she could have chomped down 1 or 2 whole apams!

Did you know that any unfinished apam bought from the pasar malam can be kept in the fridge and the following day, reheated in the toaster oven? They would taste as good as fresh! I tried that for the first time and the apam tasted really good and really crispy too. They didn't turn squishy or mouldy. I'm going to do that again.


Mummy Moon said...

HEhe, my 2 kids here also like apam!!!!

Kimberly said...

You're so right on about using the toaster oven. If I use the microwave to heat up anything deep fried the next day (or even the same day), it seems like a soggy mess which ruins the entire thing.

LittleLamb said...

I love APAM too...
why only found in Pasar Malams? I rarely go to Pasar Malam due to hygiene issues dy.. :(