Got this fairly easy meme from
Qiqi's mum. Here it goes :
Where is your cell phone? On my computer table.
Relationship? Married with 2 beautiful gals.
Your hair? Baby soft, very fine, dark brown and very long.
Work? WFHM.
Your sister? I have no sister.
Your favorite thing? Blogging
Your dream last night? Can't recall.
Your favorite drink? Green tea.
Your dream car? Lexus
The room you’re in? Living Room
Your shoes? Outside our house.
Your fears? Loosing my loved ones.
What do you want to be in 10 years? Happier than now.
Who did you hang out with this weekend? Relatives and in-laws.
What are you not good at? Sales - I hate asking ppl to buy things.
Muffin? I love them.
One of your wish list items? Millions of ringgit in my bank account.
Where you grew up? Ipoh
Last thing you did? Scolded Alycia for climbing on the couch and stepping on Sherilyn's head.
What are you wearing? T shirt & shorts
What aren’t you wearing? Make up
Your pet? My 2 gals
Your computer? Dell
Your life? Severely deprieved of sleep
Your mood? I just want to sleep now
Missing? Sleep and my close walk with God
What are you thinking about right now? Complete all my outstanding assignments.
Your car? None. I prefer to walk :D
Your kitchen? Clean
Your summer? It's summer all year round here.
Your favorite color? Pink.
Last time you laughed? Last night, at a dinner with relatives, over Sherilyn's antics.
Last time you cried? Can't recall
School? Was from MGS.
Love? My family.
Now, I'm going to pass the baton to :
Scibbles For My Angels Hui SiaMalaika's mum