Stir-fried asparagus with tiger prawns and organic soya sauce. Notice the beautiful orange colored sauce? It's not curry but the natural colouring from the thick creamy roe of the tiger prawns. It tasted really delicious because of the flavourful essence from the big tiger prawns. The asparagus were crunchy and the prawns were succulent and juicy. The thick and creamy prawns' roe sauce can easily whet one's appetite.
Fish cooked in preserved soya bean paste (tau cheong), puffed tofu, shredded ginger, a dash of rice wine, spring onions and chinese celery. Sometimes, I alternate the soya bean paste with organic miso paste.
Winter melon soup with barley, fresh sea coconut, red dates and kampung chicken.
shireen, din even know that fresh sea coconut + barley can be used to cook chicken soup. does it taste sweet? do u boiled it very long (coz barley can coz heatiness when it is cooked for long)..
where to buy the prawn roe?? looks so yummy!
wow you don't ran out of recipes to cook, i soooo envy you, you're good!
Chin Nee... winter melon is 'cooling', so no worries that the barley will be heaty... yin & yang balance mah! The sea coconut is quite tasteless but I like to chew on it, the texture is exactly like fresh coconut meat.
Girlie... i love to experiment with cooking. Plus, i also picked up a lot from my mil & dad as they are great cooks.
Wow, who cooked the lovely food?
Probably planning a trip back to Ipoh during Aug 9 (Singapore national day holidays....) but no confirmation until last minute .....
Raymond Y
your children are so blessed to have you as their mommy....all the good homecooked meal...*wiping saliva*
Yet to take my lunch and these pics makes me drool :)
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