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Monday, December 3, 2007

Pregnancy at Week 19+

Some updates on my pregnancy at week 19+ :

1) Weight stands at 49kg, i.e. a gain of 5kg from pre-regnancy weight of 44kg. I foresee I will gain a total of 10kg this time and that's a lot to me.

2) Appetite is pretty bad as I feel bloated and full most of the time. Though have not been eating a lot but weight is shooting up really fast, gosh!

3) Baby is quite active and movements can be felt almost throughout the day.

4) Skin is ultra dry and looks withered and peeling. None of the oils seem to be helping in moisturizing my skin. Also have red rough patches that are itchy over my neck and belly.

5) Still feel nauseous after meals, thus, cannot really eat a hearty meal.

6) Baby weighs around 390gm as of last Thursday, 29 November 07.

7) Baby's right kidney is still mildly dilated and both my gynaes expect the dilation to increase as the baby grows bigger. Hopefully this problem is just transient and will resolve by itself in utero soon.


Chinneeq said...

Shireen, u still look so fabulous la...

Health Freak Mommy said...

Mum to QiQi... not as fabulous as before pregnancy, LOL!

Unknown said...

I can't stand when my belly itchy too.Don't scratch it ok..otherwise you will get stretchmark like me.Try your best to apply moisturiser.:)